1,396 articles about "renting"

Potty Training Made Easy - A Guide To Success

Potty training is not a race, and there is no evidence that early potty trainers are any more successful or happy as adults compared to those who potty trained a little later. So give yourself permission to take the time to understand your child and ...

Parenting  parenting potty training child mothers when
The Village Idiot

The Village Idiot by: Gene Simmons That would be me! From what I can see, I’m just beginning the second year of a minimum four year sentence as a Village Idiot. I say minimum because the sentence may be extended at any time and without advance...

Parenting  parenting sentence village remember when
Choosing The Best Type Of Toys For Your Kids

The holiday season has arrived, which means it is time to buy gifts for friends and relatives. Perhaps the lion's share of gift buying is done with children in mind. And out of this, the biggest share is buying toys for them. If there is one thi...

Parenting  parenting toys wheely child children
Laughter Will Benefit Your Autistic Child and You - How?

Laughter will benefit your autistic child and you by facial expressions, laughable sounds, merriment, elation, express happy animation, gaiety, and to become joyful. It may be difficult to have laughter with your child who has the disorder of autism...

Parenting  parenting laughter child benefit from
Why Would a Parent Need to Retrieve Deleted Text From Their Teens Cellular Phone?

As the number of teenagers that do a majority of their communication on cell phones grows higher and higher, the worries that parents have concerning what their teen may be doing on their phone also grows. Sending sext messages back and forth to othe...

Parenting  parenting cell phone teen text
Selecting A Nanny, Au Pair Or Babysitter

Personality tests can help parents learn more and choose better. Selecting a caregiver for our children is a difficult task and the risks in making a wrong choice are frightening. Most articles on this topic advise parents to interview the nannies, ...

Parenting  parenting personality important checks criminal choice
How to Control Anger and Rage When You Are Upset With Your Autistic Child?

Controlling anger and rage, when you are upset with your autistic child, can be a challenge. But, there are healthy ways it can be done. How, you are probably asking? You as an adult, want to become a powerful and respectful parent(s), or caregiver(s...

Parenting  parenting child rage attention aware time
How Do You Identify Strong Feelings In Autistic Children?

To gain control of certain behaviors and strong feelings, with your child who has autism, he or she must learn how to identify them, when they are demonstrated in your individual. Your child may have a difficult time identifying his or her feelings i...

Parenting  parenting feelings child strong being
Your Promise Mean A World To Your Child

Unfulfilling a promise made to a child is no less than breaking his trust. Parents are the ones on whom the child depends for the fulfillment of his desires and needs. Their each promise is like a hope for the child. And whenever parents break thei...

Parenting  parenting child promise promises donapost keep
Mommies and Me Special Time

Mommies and Me Special Time by: Kimberly HargisCreating and making special memories with your child is very important, especially for your child’s development. Special memories also help build a relationship with your child that will last a li...

Parenting  parenting child sheet paint paper