130 articles on "acid"

Fat Does Not Make You Fat

Fat Does Not Make You Fat by: Dr. Jamie Fettig Fat does Not Make You Fat. One of the other huge myths is that fat makes you fat. It doesn't. When you eat fat, your body has to break it down into its little building blocks and then absorb th...

Health  health sugar essential acids fatty
The Many Health Benefits Of Different Types Of Protein

One of the basic building blocks of our body, protein is the most essential nutrient which is necessary for the growth and repair of bones, muscles, cells and tissues. After water, it is the largest component in our body that plays a crucial role in ...

Health  health protein whey proteins amino acids
Fish Oil and Possible Disease Prevention

Fish Oil and Possible Disease Prevention by: Aaron WilmontResearchers working at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center state that DPA and DHA, primary components of fish oil, provide substantial protection against coronary heart disease. This stud...

Health  health acid heart fatty acids fish researchers
Fizzy Sherbet – A Sweet Science Lesson For Your Kids

Fizzy Sherbet – A Sweet Science Lesson For Your Kids by: Lindsay Small Fizzy sherbet in a paper bag with a strawberry lollipop was probably my favorite treat as a child, but I never knew what was in the sherbet and why it sparkled and tingled ...

Parenting  parenting sherbet soda bicarbonate reaction acid
I Love Organic Wine - A Piedmont, Italy Barbera

Barbera is one of the most widely planted red grapes in Italy. It comes in several varieties, and to be frank Barbera del Monferrato is not at the top of this list. Nuova Cappelletta is dedicated to organic food and wine production. They are located ...

Food And Drink  food drink wine barbera acidity organic
Treasured Keepsakes or Clutter? A Look at Memorabilia

Treasured Keepsakes or Clutter? A Look at Memorabilia by: Christine Sutton Handwritten notes, children’s artwork, report cards, ticket stubs... little tidbits of our lives. What’s worth keeping? What should be released? Only you can decide w...

Family  family acid memorabilia items lignin
Coffee Lovers with Heartburn Rejoice!

Every month, 60 million Americans experience heartburn and 15 million of those Americans suffer daily. Heartburn, indigestion and upset stomach cause countless Americans to limit their intake of their favorite foods like coffee. Doctors frequently r...

Women  women coffee stomach acid sensitive stomachs process
I Love $10 Wines - A Chardonnay From Victoria, Australia

You probably know that Australia is a major wine producer and a major wine exporter. This is one of our first reviews of an inexpensive Australian wine. The wine reviewed comes from Victoria, the smallest mainland Australian state but the second larg...

Food And Drink  food drink wine chardonnay acidity lime salad
Do you need Omega 3 fatty acids

Do you need omega 3 fatty acid in your diet? This question on the importance of omega 3 fatty acid can be clarified by examining the medical evidence regarding the omega 3 benefit. Omega 3 fatty acid are important building blocks for the cell membran...

Health  health omega fatty acid benefit disease heart reduced
Food Sources That Boost Glutathione Naturally

Food Sources That Boost Glutathione Naturally by: Priya F Shah Glutathione, the body's master antioxidant and detoxifier, is one of the 14 "Superfoods" listed in SuperFoods Rx : Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life, co-authored by Dr S...

Health  health glutathione levels amino supplements acids