66 articles on "carp"

What to Do with Wet Carpet in Cumming GA

Cumming is one of the fastest growing cities in the state of Georgia. Its proximity to the state capital, Atlanta, makes it an attractive choice for people who want to be near where there are plenty of work opportunities and big city amenities such a...

Home Improvement  home improvement carpets cumming sewage carpet
Internet in the car

Web im Wagen - Der CarPC fürs Internet im AutoDer CarPC und die multimediale Aufrüstung in PKWs und LKWs geistert schon seit Jahren in den Köpfen der Hersteller und vieler Anwender herum. Dabei sind die Hintergründe vielfältig und in vielen Fäl...

Business And Finance  business finance auto internet carpcs sind aber auch noch nicht
Carpet Cleaning Tips And Secrets

Carpet Cleaning Tips And Secrets by: Steve Gillman You can use all the carpet cleaning tips in the world, and guess what? You still probably can't get your carpet as clean on your own as a professional carpet cleaner can. On the other hand,...

Home Improvement  home improvement carpet cleaning clean water rinse canapost
Are You Dreaming Of An Old Fashioned Veranda?

Creating an inviting, relaxing, extension of your indoor living space can add to the beauty of your home and increase your opportunity to enjoy spending time outdoors. A veranda could be an excellent addition to a home. If you currently have a porch...

Home Improvement  home improvement veranda space carpenter create attractive
Metal Carports

Most men and women purchase a carport framework to safeguard valued goods like a car or truck, boat, RV, motorbike, and far more. Some purchase it for the dual goal of shelter for property and an entertaining spot. Metal structures are a sensible inv...

Home Improvement  home improvement carports structures metal time
Pet Predicaments

When you're choosing a pet, you never consider the mark that your new dog or cat is going to make on your home... literally. Even if you manage to housebreak your pet with complete success, you'll find evidence of your furry friend througho...

Family  family carpet spot area
How to Deal with Wet Carpet in Cincinnati

Cincinnati has been documented to have major flooding events since 1773 when the Ohio River overflowed and caused flash flood in the locality. It resulted to thousands of homeless families while others suffered the loss of their loved ones during the...

Home Improvement  home improvement carpet water flooding
How to Select the best Flooring for Your Home

Home refurbishment is a big job; you do not just need to consider the walls or your furniture, you need to give some attention to the flooring of your home. If you live in a traditional British home, certainly the floors will all be covered in carpet...

Home Improvement  home improvement carpet floors house floor
Remove Permanent Marker Stains

Remove Permanent Marker Stains  by: Steve Gillman How do you remove permanent marker stains from carpet? Well, the bad news is that it's called "permanent" marker for a reason. Depending on how new and how deep the stains are, you may not b...

Home Improvement  home improvement stain remove area carpet stained
Green Certified Carpet Cleaning Services: Does it Work as Well as Chemicals?

People will often ask me for green cleaning solutions used on carpets that are safe for kids and pets. Or, they will ask if I use chemicals that are harmful to the environment. There are eco-friendly ways to clean a home and carpet cleaning is includ...

Environment  environment cleaning products safe carpet designation will