66 articles on "carp"

Choosing The Perfect Area Rug For Your Child’s Playroom

Choosing The Perfect Area Rug For Your Child’s Playroom by: Mark Lambie Are you thinking about putting an area rug in your children’s play area? These rugs can be great fun for kids. Many have fantastic colors and designs on them. Some have ...

Parenting  parenting area play kids carpet rugs pile
A Small Piece Of Carpet

A Small Piece Of Carpet by: Charlie Badenhop Have you ever noticed how the way you feel about yourself sometimes depends on whether or not you get confirmation of your value from others? When you enter into challenging situations with a positive...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation carpet dogs piece identity
How Much Will It Cost To Enclose Your Carport So It Will

How Much Will It Cost To Enclose Your Carport So It Will by: Endroit Devaiture How much will it cost to enclose your carport so it will be a garage? If you live in the southern United States, there's a good chance that your house has a gar...

Home Improvement  home improvement garage carport door project
Design Your Destiny Life is What You Make It

Your PERFECTLY DESIGNED LIFELike William Henley who once said, “I am the master of my fate. The captain of my soul,” I agree that Life is a Do-It Yourself project. If you want to live a certain kind of life, you are going to have to be proactive ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life house carpenter build
Carpet Cleaning: How Do You Want It To Become Carried Out?

Even if you've had your carpet sprayed with Scotchgard when it was initially put in, kept on leading of keeping it clear by blotting stains and removing them as quickly as you seen, there will come a time when qualified carpet cleaning is import...

Home Improvement  home improvement carpet cleaning they
Carpet Tips Make Your Carpet Last Longer

You are free to publish this article online, in an email newsletter or in print as long as you print the footer. Please hyperlink where possible. Courtesy copies are welcomed but not required. Contact us at fisher@thriftyfun.com Find more frugal arti...

Home Improvement  home improvement carpet areas dirt tips rugs
Carpet Stain Removers - What You Didn't Know

Carpet Stain Removers - What You Didn't Know  by: Steve Gillman Out of all the carpet stain removers available, water is the one to try first. Almost all the others can damage your carpet. Many are caustic, like bleach, and will remove the ...

Home Improvement  home improvement carpet stain water cloth remove work
To Hire or Not to Hire Professional Carpet Cleaning Cape Girardeau, MO

Flooding and two levees breached in Cape Girardeau were brought by the 12 inches of torrential rain in the year 2008. Several families faced a massive mess and water damage costs rose. If you have been one of the families who were forced to flee from...

Home Improvement  home improvement carpet process professional
Carpet Cleaning Tips

Some people will call a cleaning company in London every month or so to send their professional cleaners to come into their home and perform carpet cleaning in order to ensure that the carpet always remains spotless. Unfortunately not everyone can a...

Home Improvement  home improvement carpet cleaning people vacuum most
Carpal Tunnel Begins in Your Neck, Not Your Wrist

If Carpal Tunnel Syndrome comes from typing on the computer all day, why didn't people who typed on typewriters get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Because there was no computer screen to draw their heads forward, their chins tilted up, necks strained. ...

Business And Finance  business finance head neck carpal tunnel computer