16 articles on "constitution"

Tea Party Anyone?

On December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to send back three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and threw all the tea over board into the bottom of the Boston Harbor. This act, along with other eve...

Government  government british movement party constitution
Tea Party Anyone?

The Tea Party movement emerged as a major force in American politics in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. It first gained prominence with a series of protests held on April 15, 2009, in which thousands of people across the country demonstra...

Government  government british movement party constitution
Clever Vladimir Putin Says He Won't Run For A Third Term

Vladimir Putin, the elected 3-time czar of Russia, announced that he will not seek a fourth term. In doing so, he dutifully tipped his hat to the Russian constitution, which forbids anyone to run for more than three terms. Yet the former KGB wiz, wh...

Humor  humor russian time constitution vladimir still
Clever Vladimir Putin Says He Won't Run For A Third Term

On a Wednesday morning in late December 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a surprise announcement that he wouldn't be running for a third term as president. Putin, who has been in power since 2000 and has been elected as president four time...

Humor  humor russian time constitution vladimir still
French Presidential Election: Nicolas Sarkozy's Position On European Matters

The French presidential election drew a lot of ink this year not only in France but also abroad. The international press portrayed Mr. SARKOZY as being "the actor of a renewal for France, the carrier of changes which would not be without consequence ...

Government  government european french europe countries constitution union sarkozy
Lobbyists And Their Influence In Politics

Most of the people are of the view that lobbyists play a significant role in guiding companies, interest groups and individuals through the intricate legislative process. To further support their argument they cite the first amendment to the Constitu...

Government  government lobbyists role clients constitution which
French Presidential Election: Nicolas Sarkozy's Position On European Matters

The 2022 French Presidential Election is heating up, with candidates campaigning across the country and debating the key issues affecting France and Europe. One of the prominent candidates in the race is Nicolas Sarkozy, who served as President of Fr...

Government  government european french europe countries constitution union sarkozy
Lobbyists And Their Influence In Politics

Lobbyists and their influence in politics have become a major concern for many people. Individuals and groups who have a vested interest in certain policies or laws hire lobbyists to persuade politicians and officials to support their cause. Many peo...

Government  government lobbyists role clients constitution which
Is Reinstating The Draft Such a Bad Idea?

Is Reinstating The Draft Such a Bad Idea? by: Jean Fritz In his bid for the presidency, John Kerry pronounced a “secret plan” to reinstate selective service. The fact that New York Democrat and fellow leftist Charles Rangel had proposed this...

Legal  legal service military women freedoms states people constitution
Marriage and the Election

Marriage and the Election by: Rusty Ford Dear Friends of Marriage, There is a lot of talk on both sides in this election that this is the most important election this century. Most of this is exaggeration to try and motivate people to vote for o...

Family  family election amendment judges marriage constitutional