481 articles on "cost"

Microsoft Great Plains – consulting in the post-recession time

Microsoft Great Plains – consulting in the post-recession time by: Andrew Karasev Microsoft Great Plains is main Microsoft Business Solutions accounting package for the US market. Microsoft Great Plains is now in the transition to become porti...

Computers And Internet  computers internet consulting reduction cost support software
True Cost of Everything

Henry David Thoreau once said that “the cost of a thing is the amount of what I call “life” which is required to be exchanged for it immediately or in the long run.”Most of us are putting off things this month that will wind up costing you mo...

Business And Finance  business finance cost having putting
IPO Costs

IPO CostsBy William CatePublished January 2000 [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]The following data is taken from "Going Public" by James B.Arkebauer (1...

Business And Finance  business finance costs cost underwriting company estimate spinoff
Interesting Judgment Calculations

I am not an attorney, I am a Judgment Broker. When one recovers, collects, or is paid on a judgment in a single lump payment, and there are no recoverable enforcement costs, the total amount owed (including interest) is easy to figure out. In the ca...

Legal  legal interest judgment costs debtor writ memorandum
Why You Should Buy A Refurbished Printer?

Buying a refurbished printer is practical. There are many reasons for you to do this. Used color laser printers are available and cost less. You should check the kind of toner cartridge it uses. This helps to drop the price down on these printers. Re...

Computers And Internet  computers internet printer refurbished printers laser cost many
Health Care and Health Insurance Costs Can Be Controlled Through Lifestyle Choices

Health Care and Health Insurance Costs Can Be Controlled Through Lifestyle Choices by: Michael Ertel As you probably know all to well, the cost of healthcare and health insurance premiums continue to increase at levels substantially above the ge...

Business And Finance  business finance healthcare cost medical lifestyle insurance health healthy
Shedding Light on Cheaper Solar Energy

Renewable sources of energy are the key to solving two of the worlds most pressing yet seemingly irreconcilable problems. On the one hand the developing world needs vastly to increase access to affordable energy because, at present, 1.6 billion peopl...

Environment  environment energy solar research cost systems team sheffield
The Perfect Birthday Present for that Little Girl No Batteries Required

The DilemmaAs a mom of a five-year-old girl, I have attended countless birthday parties in the past few years. With each event, comes the inevitable trip to the toy store to find an appropriate gift for the child of honor. I began to dread the gift-...

Family  family costumes child girl costume right
Fire the Habit

Fire the Habit, Not the Addict More and more business owners are accessing the high cost of hiring or continuing to employ smokers. According to a 2005 Ohio Employer's Guide employers incur significant extra costs associated to the smokers on s...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation smoking addiction employee smokers cost will
What is Froogle

By Jakob Jellingwww.sitetube.comKeeping in touch with other sites like Amazon.com, Buy.com and Yahoo.com, Google created a new shopping search tool called “Froogle”. It has been called one of the most innovative price conscious tools on the Inter...

Web Development  development froogle products product google cost merchants