458 articles on "debt"

Burdened with Debt

Too many debts? Having trouble paying your bills? Are you worried about losing your home or your car?You're not alone. Many people face a financial crisis some time in their lives. Your financial situation doesn't have to go from bad to wor...

Business And Finance  business finance consolidation loan debt monthly loans interest
How to Write a Will

Just thinking about how to write a will is enough to put some people off. It does not have to be a morbid experience. It is a necessity and makes for good financial sense. Start by organizing what you need: outline your objectives, inventory your ass...

Business And Finance  business finance assets debts beneficiaries about
What is Debt Settlement?

What is Debt Settlement? by: Jon Thomas Debt settlement is the process of negotiating with your creditors so that you are able to pay off a certain percentage of the debt amount that you owe. A debt settlement company will use different types of...

Business And Finance  business finance debt settlement creditors amount
Do You Need Debt Reduction Assistance?

When your credit card debt is beyond your control, debt reduction assistance will surely be a big help to you. The first thing you have to do is to be aware of the help that you need regarding your debt and try to figure out the possible benefits tha...

Business And Finance  business finance debt companies benefits assistance reduction
Bad Credit Debt Consolidation Loans

Are you looking to consolidate credit card or other debt? Do you have bad credit history? There are many options available online nowadays to help you consolidate your debt. Whether you are wanting to consolidate credit card debt or other kinds of de...

Business And Finance  business finance debt companies loan consolidate monthly
Top 10 Reasons you need Consumer Credit Counseling

Consumer credit is at an all-time high. We have more debt than ever before. And even with all the credit repair gurus and programs, we have our credit cards maxed and dont know what to do. Consumer credit counseling is a real option... do your homewo...

Legal  legal credit consumer counseling debt repair cards
The Quickest Method of Debt Elimination

Are you wondering what's the fastest way to get out of debt. Well, your not alone. If you cannot pay-off your debt entirely on your own,or make payments well above the minimum required, then debt negotiation (also referred to as debt elimination...

Business And Finance  business finance debt elimination credit method unsecured
A Debt Relief Attorney Can Stall Your Creditors

How can a debt relief attorney stall your creditors and stop the harassment? That's the question that many people have on their minds these days. People who in good faith incurred debts during better times have run smack up against the grim econ...

Legal  legal debts bankruptcy them
The Pros and Cons of Debt Settlement

If you have a large amount of debt that you cannot possibly pay off, you may be considering debt settlement. Settlement involves negotiating with creditors over the amount you owe and agreeing to pay a lower lump sum payment to settle your debt. Many...

Business And Finance  business finance settlement debt credit creditors
College Debt

Because most college students are using loans to finance their college education, the debt level of recent graduates is rising rapidly. On average, students graduate owing $12,000-$16,000 in student loans and another $2,000 in credit card debt. Is th...

Kids And Teens  kids teens college scholarships debt school money grants