11,298 articles on "finance"

Collecting Debt-How To Get The Debt Collectors Off Your Back

Agencies collecting debt are third party collectors hired by your creditors to collect payments from you. Settling debts with them can be very tedious since you will be involved with people who can mislead you and cost you more than you have to pay. ...

Business And Finance  business finance debt debts agencies creditors
Ten Rights: For Owners of Service Businesses

As an owner of a service business, you have a unique responsibility to your clients and your employees. These ten rights will help guide you in achieving success and providing high-quality service to your customers. 1. The right to set your own pric...

Business And Finance  business finance right jobs charge
Is This the PR You Thought You Were Getting?

In today's digital age, the world of public relations has undergone a major transformation. With the rise of social media and instantaneous online communication, PR professionals have had to adapt to new methods of communication and engagement that r...

Business And Finance  business finance perception behaviors relations most
What Do You Really Want ?

As humans, we are constantly searching for fulfillment and purpose in our lives. We often hear the question “what do you want?” from others or from ourselves, but rarely do we take the time to truly reflect on the answer. We may have immediate de...

Business And Finance  business finance life john week wife when
The Key To Success - Choose The Right Partner

The Key To Success - Choose The Right Partner by: Mel Dunn Do you promote yourself as offering prompt, reliable and quality service? Of course – none of us promote ourselves as anything less, and equally we strive to provide this level of serv...

Business And Finance  business finance level success marketing partner partnerships
Plan For Wealth

Plan For Wealth by: Stephanie Yeh One very important wealth creating habit is to set up a concrete plan that you can actually follow. You see, wealth takes planning, and is usually the result of taking a set of orderly, progressive steps from wh...

Business And Finance  business finance debt concrete plan wealth
Dazzle Interviewers With Your Achievements

Dazzle Interviewers With Your Achievements by: Donna Monday Attention Job Seekers: Tasks and Responsibilities are Boooring Ho hum. The interviewer sits there drumming her fingers on the desk trying to look interested while you drone on about you...

Business And Finance  business finance accomplishments interview youaposve interviewer
Public Relations – Defining Your Organization from the Inside Out

Public Relations – Defining Your Organization from the Inside Out by: Agnes Brousseau What do your customers say about your company? Would you let your major competitor control your sales strategy? Public relations is an inevitable consequenc...

Business And Finance  business finance corporate company strategic companys
USA and Canada in the Top of Indoor Tanning Products

USA and Canada in the Top of Indoor Tanning Products by: Dana Scripca In United States of America and Canada, indoor tanning products are very usual. Moreover, the indoor tanning businesses have appreciably grown in the last 25 years and are sti...

Business And Finance  business finance indoor tanning years percent americans
So You Think You're Hopeless With Figures?

So You Think You're Hopeless With Figures? by: Kenneth Williams "It's no good! I'm just hopeless with figures!" If you've ever said that to yourself then don't worry - you're not alone. Many people believe themselve...

Business And Finance  business finance numbers donapost someself math