11,298 articles on "finance"

How To Create Your Own Product Or Service Part 1

Shortly after I REALLY started listening to advice on how to makelots of money on-line I heard one message loud and clear. "Youneed to develop your own products or services!" Like most peoplewho hear this message, I agreed intuitively, but it took a ...

Business And Finance  business finance product products them
VC Secrets What the Business Plan Books Don't Tell You

VC Secrets: What the Business Plan Books Don't Tell YouBy William F.(Bill) McCready, www.VenturePlan.comMost business plan books and software do a thorough job ofteaching you to describe your business from an entrepreneur'sperspective, focu...

Business And Finance  business finance plan donapost company
DON'T Give Your Customers What They Want!

One of the mantras we hear repeatedly in business is "The customer is always right." I'm here to tell you that if you want to build a thriving business you need to forget that saying, and take note of Payne's Law #1 "The customer is always ...

Business And Finance  business finance customer customers want
How to Turn Your Customers Into Evangelists

When we talk about customer loyalty, it usually meansthe customer being loyal to the company. That should bea great result to aim for, but it isn't the beginningof the story. Real customer loyalty comes from youbeing loyal to your customers.Exce...

Business And Finance  business finance customer like
Business Planning Myopia

With few exceptions, business plans tend to changevery little from year to year. In most cases it's a matter taking last year's plan, making a few modifications, changing the dates and the title page and attaching new financials. After all,...

Business And Finance  business finance mart internet
What Do You Prize Most in Mid-life

The big question: What’s really important?The message I deliver most to mid-life professionals is that a key ingredient of happiness is finding vocational passion. It’s finding the perfect alignment of interests and abilities that make going to w...

Business And Finance  business finance life work people
Get Rich Slowly

Is it hard to get rich? If you’re young, not really.Its fun to play with financial calculators and see what might happen.If you have just graduated from college and are about 22 years old and if you put $100 a month in an IRA that grows at 10% a ye...

Business And Finance  business finance money people

INVEST, BE WRONG, AND MAKE MONEYIN THE STOCK MARKETby AL THOMASI have been trading for several decadesand was an exchange member and floor trader for 17 years. You learn fast there or you go broke in ahurry. As you can see I managed to hold my own fo...

Business And Finance  business finance time money many
How To Start A Business When You Are Broke

The Profit ProjectMost plans for a new business require a lot of money. You haveto buy equipment, rent space, hire employees, then play a myriadof bills that you never expected.That is great if you have a rich uncle or friends at the bank,or if you j...

Business And Finance  business finance need
Home Based Business Prospecting How to Get 80% Of Prospects To Call You Back

If you are a representative for a home based business opportunity, and you'd like to learn how I get 80% of my prospects to call me back, read on….One of the most discouraging parts of running a home based business opportunity is following up ...

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