11,298 articles on "finance"

Team Building for Entrepreneurs

Team Building for Entrepreneurs by: Joanne Victoria As a business owner and entrepreneur, you need an external and internal team of people to help your business thrive. As a business resource consultant, I also help others build the teams they n...

Business And Finance  business finance team requires member creating
Free Credit Reports From The Government

Free Credit Reports From The Government by: Jeffrey Strain The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has set up a new website (www.AnnualCreditReport.com) where US residents can obtain free copies of their credit reports from the three major credit rep...

Business And Finance  business finance credit reports report residents
Traveling for An Interview? 10 Tips to Get You From Here to There

Traveling for An Interview? 10 Tips to Get You From Here to There by: Donna Monday You’ve just been granted an on-site interview in another town. Hurray! This means you’ll be traveling to an employer’s location so that they can further eva...

Business And Finance  business finance employer traveling trip hotel
Monaco Might Lose Its Status of Personal Income Tax Haven

Monaco Might Lose Its Status of Personal Income Tax Haven by: Laura Ciocan That Monaco is crowded with celebrities is no piece of news. Since 1869, when the personal income tax policy became favorable, Monaco attracted very many individuals with...

Business And Finance  business finance monaco policy country
How CEO's Can Use Axiology To Improve The Bottom Line Part I

How CEO's Can Use Axiology To Improve The Bottom Line Part I by: John Beaton and Mitch Axelrod In today's fast-paced business world, CEO's are trying to keep up with change and adapt to the global marketplace, constantly searching...

Business And Finance  business finance ability richard help
Four Different Ways People Process Your Information

Four Different Ways People Process Your Information by: Sandra SchriftThere are four different ways that audience members assimilate information. They are: visual, auditory, auditory digital, and kinesthetic. While all members of the audience wi...

Business And Finance  business finance audience people auditory
Write and Speak for the Ear

Write and Speak for the Ear by: Robert F. Abbott You and I may not aspire to write great books or make great speeches. But almost all of us want something to happen when we write or speak. And, the more we direct our words to the ears of readers...

Business And Finance  business finance words write writing sentences
Bosnia - An Economy in search of a State

ia - An Economy in search of a State by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Bosnia-Herzegovina (heretofore "Bosnia") is an artificial polity with four, tangentially interacting, economies. Serbs, Croats and their nominal allies, the Bosniaks each maintain their ...

Business And Finance  business finance bosnia economy federation been
Liquidity or Liquidation

idity or Liquidation by: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Large parts of the world today suffer from a severe liquidity crisis. The famed globalization of the capital markets seems to confine itself, ever more, to the richer parts, the more liquid exchanges, t...

Business And Finance  business finance card cards payment credit electricity money
Improving Profitability - for Small Moving Companies

One of the advantages that national removal companies have over all smaller operations is that of their networks.When moving long distance, they do not have to pay a whole crew to travel: The van can simply be met by a local crew, and althoughit may ...

Business And Finance  business finance small removal movers companies these