11,298 articles on "finance"

How To Better Handle Your Mail

Letters, magazines, bills, flyers, what to do with them all. There should be only two responses to every piece of mail or e-mail, do something with it, or toss it! The best way, as always, to deal with it all is in an organized fashion. One of the qu...

Business And Finance  business finance folder mail need
How to Build Your Business on a Solid Foundation

Okay, so now you believe you've found the right program topromote online. Where do you start? Many programs online (andoff, for that matter) have lots of plans and systems for you towork, lots of "avenues of attack," lots of tools, lots ofresour...

Business And Finance  business finance lots getting donapost place
In The Beginning...

In The Beginning…By Jenean MatthewsIn the beginning there was a thought. You had an idea that you would start your own business, be your own boss and take charge of your own life. At that timeyou should have written the purpose of the business and ...

Business And Finance  business finance purpose goals

SIMPLE PUBLICITY. Create a stunning signature file forsimple yet highly effective promotion. Most emailprograms allow you to attach a signature file to allyour outgoing mail. Eudora Pro (http://www.eudora.com/)allows me to make as many signature file...

Business And Finance  business finance signature ezine file articles think home
Everything Passes... Are you prepared for the Challenge

So you want to start and operate your own home-based business.Are you prepared for the challenge?Operating your own business is more than just the basic startupsteps. A great business plan, startup capital and an outstandingproduct or service can get...

Business And Finance  business finance software wave riding
Leading Bad Actors To Be Good Performers

Leading Bad Actors To Be Good Performers by: Brent Filson A successful leader told me, "The biggest challenge I've had in my career is dealing with bad actors. Brent, do you have tips on how to do it?" First, before we can deal with "bad ac...

Business And Finance  business finance actors leaders yets
Five Debt Negotiation Facts

Five Debt Negotiation Facts  by: Gary Gresham These five debt negotiation facts along with a few debt reduction planning tools gives you the ability to control your own debt. For many people today credit card debt is a mounting problem and very ...

Business And Finance  business finance debt negotiation credit facts
Looking for that low interest credit card

If you have been shopping around for a Low Interest Credit Card you will notice that the UK market is awash with Credit Card companies offering low rates to entice you to apply for their Cards.There has never been a better time to consolidate your cr...

Business And Finance  business finance credit card balance interest period
Know Your Options Before Considering Debt Negotiation

Debt negotiation should be considered a last-resort measure before bankruptcy. A lender has little motivation to accept a pay off for less than the full amount unless the debtor is already months behind on bills. Debt negotiation, also sometimes call...

Business And Finance  business finance debt credit negotiation fees counseling
Succeeding on Project Teams

The world of work has changed. It used to be that most of us worked as a part of a process, whether on an assembly line, managing interactions with Customers, or any one of a thousand other processes. Processes are ongoing, repeatable and never have ...

Business And Finance  business finance project work others