11,298 articles on "finance"

Investors: Avoid These 5 Common Tax Mistakes

Investors: Avoid These 5 Common Tax Mistakes by: David Twibell For many investors, and even some tax professionals, sorting through the complex IRS rules on investment taxes can be a nightmare. Pitfalls abound, and the penalties for even simple ...

Business And Finance  business finance gains gain term from
Customer Service and Call Center Outsourcing, What's The Buzz?

Customer Service and Call Center Outsourcing, What's The Buzz? by: Erwin Steneker The buzz is all about customer service and call center outsourcing, also known as BPO (Business Process Outsourcing). According to Gartner, the outsourcing ma...

Business And Finance  business finance outsourcing service customer
No Load Mutual Funds: Investment Hype vs. Investment Help

No Load Mutual Funds: Investment Hype vs. Investment Help by: Ulli G. Niemann With the internet such a huge part of our daily lives, many investors have access to a wide range of instant investment information. Whether you’re into stocks, bond...

Business And Finance  business finance investment newsletter mutual better
How To Give Your Home A Face-Lift: The Sellers' Guide To A Quick Sell

How To Give Your Home A Face-Lift: The Sellers' Guide To A Quick Sell by: W. Troy Swezey One of the great challenges to selling a home can be showing all of its space, decor and natural light potential. For example, every home has crowded c...

Business And Finance  business finance space decor
Generating Publicity: Will The Media Be Interested In My Product/Business?

Generating Publicity: Will The Media Be Interested In My Product/Business? by: Todd Brabender When it comes to launching a new business or product, some marketing consultants might say that EVERY product is appropriate for a publicity or media e...

Business And Finance  business finance media product products publicity
How to write powerful newsletters, offline and online

The theory of writing for newsletters is very similar to that of writing for press releases and other media work, but with newsletters there is one crucial difference. Whereas with an external publication you’re quality-controlled by someone outsid...

Business And Finance  business finance newsletters online
Are You Risking The Relationship for the Sale And Then Losing the Sale Anyway

Losing a sale can be disheartening, especially if you lose it for reasons youaren't even aware of.Traditional selling approaches tell us that sales are usually lost because of some element price, features, benefits having to do with our produc...

Business And Finance  business finance sales selling losing relationship
It's The Little Things That Count

Have you ever been in the situation where you have become so focussed on achieving a goal that you have done so at the detriment of everything else in your life?The 'All or Nothing' SyndromeIn a coaching session I had with one of my clients...

Business And Finance  business finance small little things stumble
PR The Thrill of a Good Idea

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 1180 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 200...

Business And Finance  business finance perception relations public behaviors audience

A series of articles exploring the seven critical areas that can indicate a partnership is in trouble.The 4th C: CUMULATIVE MONEY PROBLEMSConflicts over money are very high on the list of reasons that 70% of business partnerships fail. I'm not r...

Business And Finance  business finance partnership money vincent