11,298 articles on "finance"

Don’t Be a Stupid American

Sounds a bit harsh, I know. But after living in Europe the past several years, I may have earned the right to say just that. Please bear in mind that I’m not saying that Americans are stupid at all. It’s simply worth keeping in mind that when doi...

Business And Finance  business finance time europe
Being a Home-Based Business Owner ... What's Not to Love

Being an entrepreneur and working from home has to be one of the most rewarding opportunities available to us.What other business or organization would allow you to work in your slippers with curlers in your hair (or whiskers on your face!) while spe...

Business And Finance  business finance work while
WARNING The Biggest Lie About Compound Interest

Have you wondered why financial experts only tell you certain things about building wealth? Do you think its in their best interest to tell you the absolute truth?LIE: The Magic of Compound Interest : Save $X per month and you can retire RICH.FACT :...

Business And Finance  business finance interest compound youaposll xmth money
Cruise Travel Home Business

Cruise Travel Home Business:You’ve gone on your first or your 100th cruise and loved it. Did you ever consider starting a cruise travel agency? You enjoy the searching for the perfect cruise for yourself and everyone around you. You like setting u...

Business And Finance  business finance travel cruise agency
5 surefire ways to bring your business objectives full circle with technology

All small to mid-sized company owners want to know where their dollar is being spent when it comes to computer technology in their organization. The challenge is for them to get the information they need to make the right purchasing decisions. ‘Tel...

Business And Finance  business finance company technology technical consultant they
Real Estate Investing - Writing Killer Postcards to Attract Motivated Sellers!

Real Estate Investing - Writing Killer Postcards to Attract Motivated Sellers! by: Lou Castillo So many of you have been telling us that you're ready to get started investing, but "you can't find any deals! and what are the steps and s...

Business And Finance  business finance sellers postcard call
“Future Plans” Job Interview Questions

“Future Plans” Job Interview Questions by: Scott Brown This week’s topic deals with interviewers asking about your future plans. As we’ll see in addressing the question a subscriber wrote in with, interviewers use the “future plans” ...

Business And Finance  business finance employers plans school want
Mortgage after Bankruptcy - Bankruptcy Discharged Yesterday? Purchase a Home Today!

Mortgage after Bankruptcy - Bankruptcy Discharged Yesterday? Purchase a Home Today! by: Lee Seno So you have been through a bankruptcy and surely have been told to wait at least two years before applying for a home loan. Waiting two long years w...

Business And Finance  business finance bankruptcy credit mortgage
IRS Enforced Collection

IRS Enforced Collection by: Randy Anson IRS Enforced Collection- now there is a term that will get your attention. I get certified mail from IRS every day on behalf of clients. Even though I have no tax problems myself, every day I catch myself ...

Business And Finance  business finance revenue power service every
Vinyl Banners for the Right Occasion

Vinyl Banners for the Right Occasion by: Tony Nagy The sinage marketplace is competitive! Consequently, some companies are going to focus on price and neglect quality. To complicate the situation, companies that produce stock vinyl banner materi...

Business And Finance  business finance banner only