11,298 articles on "finance"

Separating Business From Home Life

If you're a home-based business owner, it could be difficult to manage your time. Since your office is located within your home, you tend to spend much more time working in your office than spending quality time with your family. There is that t...

Business And Finance  business finance time spouse family
Take charge! Seven tips to successful meetings

We've all been there. We attend a seminar or a meeting and gnash our teeth as the leader falters, gets off track or allows other participants to waste our time. These tips create a strategy for effective leadership. 1. You're the leader. Be...

Business And Finance  business finance participants time break
Stop Procrastination - Just Do It!

What stops you from 'getting things done?'Have you ever started your day with good intentions of completing a task or project only to find that by the end of the day you've hardly worked on it? Or have you ever set a goal to attend a s...

Business And Finance  business finance time bill procrastination
Walking the L.I.N.E. of Effective Management

Published Article 2002How to Walk the L.I.N.E of Effective ManagementSheri A. Callahan, Horizon Consulting Group, LLC 803-606-3650Keynote Addresses Training Performance Consultingwww.onthehorizon.netManagement is no easy task. As managers, we dedicat...

Business And Finance  business finance managers manage people manager staff must
Ten Steps to Effective Leadership

Ten Steps to Effective LeadershipMany people end up in a supervisory position or SOHO ownership almost by default. In today's workplace, if someone stays on their job long enough, they will probably be promoted as others more senior to them, or ...

Business And Finance  business finance supervisor employees from
Expanding your view of what's possible with your Internet business!

Expanding your view of what's possible with your Internet business!by Rod Moore, Goals Magic http://goalsmagic.opportunity.com(This article may be published in your eZine, newsletter or web site provided the resource box details remain intact. F...

Business And Finance  business finance internet possible achieve
The Subject is the Subject Line

Getting too many emails? Spending exorbitant amounts of time doing replies, deletes, and filing? You are not alone! Today we address how to help people (and you) to be more effective with this techno touch - the Subject line!First off and most import...

Business And Finance  business finance subject line people emails
The ONE Button To Push For Online Success!

How many ebooks, reports or ecourses have you boughtor read this year? Or should I ask, have you readthem at all?How many latest hyped-up programs have you joined,hoping for the 'REAL DEAL' that'll make you rich?Scary statistics reveal...

Business And Finance  business finance theyever button
Ideas For Employee Retention

A recent survey of 350 human resource managers shows that employee turnover is becoming one of the most critical workplace issues. Sixty percent say that skilled-person power is “scarce”. Forty six percent say that worker retention is a “very s...

Business And Finance  business finance people satisfaction percent
Are YOU Leaving Money on the Table

Are YOU Leaving Money on the Table? © 2002 Elena Fawkner For those of us in the U.S., tax time is here again. For those of you elsewhere, tax time is always around the corner. Oh joy, I hear you say. Well, if you're contemplating an online ...

Business And Finance  business finance youaposre profit expenses