11,298 articles on "finance"

30 Second Elevator Pitch do you have one

What's an "elevator pitch"?.................................................As you start your new business, you'll be asked many, many (did I say "many"?) times, "What do you DO for a living?", "What business are you in?". I'm sure yo...

Business And Finance  business finance pitch words about
Tapping The Potential Of Your Customers

Business owners of long standing know the cardinal rule “take care of your existing customers first”. Today especially we see business owners looking constantly for the new customer. Hey, did you forget the customers you have. All of us want our ...

Business And Finance  business finance customers product could
Creative Income Ideas

Ideas are a dime a dozen. It has been said we all have 2 or 3 ideas every year that if put into action, would make us wealthy. The problem ismost people don’t do anything with their ideas. Here are a couple of examples of those who have taken actio...

Business And Finance  business finance ideas doing

Now is the best time to start thinking about your year end tax planning for your business. These tax strategies can be put into effect by the end of the year and some as late as when the tax return is due. Planning now will save you money and reduce ...

Business And Finance  business finance year planning into
Getting Your Video Successfully Produced Why quality is Key and how to get it!

You are ready to have your video produced, and you are about to choose a video production company to do it. Did you know that choosing the right production company will make or break your show? No matter how great the subject or script, the overall ...

Business And Finance  business finance video quality
Uncomfortable Questions

How do you answer those questions that well meaning people ask you that really make you uncomfortable? You know the kind of questions I mean? Recent graduates get asked, “Do you have a job yet?” Someone who has been down sized might hear, “How ...

Business And Finance  business finance questions them
The Benefits of Online Portfolios

If you’re an up and coming graphic/web designer just out of university, you’ll know it’s quite hard to break into the workforce. You have to contact employers one by one, spend your time traveling and lugging your portfolio to their offices. We...

Business And Finance  business finance work theye
How To Touch The Hands Of Greatness

I knocked on the door nervously and waited.Finally a tall young man opened the door and looked atme calmly. He was tired."Yes?" he asked, expressionless."Is D-D-D-Dave there?" I stammered."Sure. Just a minute."Chris disappeared as quickly as he appea...

Business And Finance  business finance mentor sales
A Live Human Being

A Live Human Being by Bob OsgoodbyEver try to call a company for information or assistance, and have to fight your way through a seemingly unending maze of instructions from an automated robot. "For this press one; for that press two", and so on. Som...

Business And Finance  business finance someone
Who controls the profits

This article is free to reprint in your ezine and/or newsletteras long as you:1. Print the article in its entirety.2. Print the resource box with the article in it's entirety.Please notify me if you use the article.mailto:valdinca@xnet.roWho con...

Business And Finance  business finance traffic money products making