11,298 articles on "finance"

Small Business Q&A How To Handle Customer Billing Snafus

Q: I just discovered that for the past six months I have been billing a client half of what I should have been. Should Ijust include the total of the past due balance on his next billor contact him first to let him know that it's coming? Thiscli...

Business And Finance  business finance client bill
Your Most Valuable Asset

Your Most Valuable Asset by Bob OsgoodbyEmail to some is simply a way to contact friends and family and keep in touch. To others, it is a very important method of communicating with business associates. Unfortunately, those who send out unsolicited a...

Business And Finance  business finance email address spam
A Better Life...Only a DECISION Away!

One single, "mental move" has the power to create incredible success...There is a single mental move you can make which, in a millisecond, will solve enormous problems for you. It has the potential to improve almost any personal or business situation...

Business And Finance  business finance decision when
Sensational Sales Letters Still Sell

With the rise in popularity of email, last year's anthrax problem andever-increasing postal rates, many people assume that direct mail is dead.Not so! Postal sales letters delivered by mail carrier rather than digitalnetworks still have an impor...

Business And Finance  business finance letter sales action offer page
Talk the Talk

Word Count: 438Summary: 5 practical ways to improve your communication skills.Talk the TalkDo you know why toddlers throw temper tantrums? They areangry, they are frustrated, they want something, but theyhave a limited ability to verbally express the...

Business And Finance  business finance word right communication
Managing Customer Uncertainty

According to a new survey carried out by Alliance & where IDNUM9270;Leicester, one in five small business owners view tax astheir greatest concern. The Chancellor has announced in hislast budget that companies with profits below œ10,000 willnot ...

Business And Finance  business finance company income sole
CDL Practice Test – Offers practice tests to prepare for the CDL exam.

CDL Practice Test – Offers practice tests to prepare for the CDL exam.As you take CDL practice test, you do become morefamiliar with the CDL test, and being familiarwith the test will make the actual test much lessstressful. In fact, if used correc...

Business And Finance  business finance questions sure practice question
Have Some PASTA with Your Interview

When cyclists prepare for a big race, they always make sure they load up on the carbs. It is not uncommon to have a pasta feed the night before an important event so that the athletes can store up some of the carbohydrates they will be burning up the...

Business And Finance  business finance interview important prepare
How I Quickly Doubled My Money

I have never told this part of my story - I guess I wasa little concerned that people would feel that this strategywas the "RIGHT" strategy - it isn't, but it can really be agood strategy if you have the right education.When I started trading fo...

Business And Finance  business finance money trading trade when
Your Debt Checklist

A Debt Checklist is the only sensible way to organize and control your finances. Most people aren't actually aware quite how much debt they possess - in fact, a recent survey found that almost 75% of UK adults were up to £5000 out when ask...

Business And Finance  business finance debt credit card donapost