11,298 articles on "finance"

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Turning Challenge Into OpportunityThere is a common saying that whenever you are presented with a problem or a challenge, you should turn it into an opportunity. Some of the people who have mastered this concept are; the United States Government, La...

Business And Finance  business finance email really just
Niche Your Way to Profits!

As I work with small business owners, I am convinced that building a small business niche is the only way to success. In this March issue of The Small Business Tool Box, I share my beliefs about small business niche building. My own thoughts continu...

Business And Finance  business finance small niche building people
Home Business Tips, Tools, and Opportunities...

Home Business Tips, Tools and Opportunities......How are you running your Home-Based Online Business or how are you planning to start one ?Do you know how to start?Do you have all the tools you need ?Are you successful at this moment?Are you making p...

Business And Finance  business finance tools life
Where is your business within the business cycle

What's the saying, something like... you can't get where youwant to go if you don't know where you're going. Everybusiness starts and ends somewhere. First it's an idea and itmay stay at this place for a short time or many ye...

Business And Finance  business finance start plan create want
Enlightened Thinking For Creating Wealth

Enlightened Thinking For Creating WealthBy Lauri A. PruittWe become what we think. If you think poverty, it is inevitable that you will be poor. Whereas if you think prosperity, your life will generate wealth, you will blossom like a rose bud in the ...

Business And Finance  business finance start think things
Top Ten Ways to Communicate @ Work Effectively!

Whenever I ask people in a work setting, "What would improve work, profits and customer service the most where you work?" the answer is almost always "Better communication!"Once the problem is noted, the next question is, "What are some effective way...

Business And Finance  business finance work people communication improve would
Team Training, The Ultimate Game Plan for Success

The ancient Egyptians practiced it while constructing some of the mostawesome structures in man’s history, the pyramids.The Incas and Aztecs utilized it when building with their bare handswhat man is still unable to duplicate to this day.The late, ...

Business And Finance  business finance team training they

What separates the good businesses from the bad ones onthe Web? Knowing THIS can make you or break you so it'sworth the time to take a look.Anyone with a dial-up account and an idea can be in businesstoday. But is that a good thing? Many think t...

Business And Finance  business finance questions right about
The Bird's Got The Word

Question:Where do you want your business to be 6 months to1 year from now?Do you currently have a business plan and are following it?A person would certainly never think of building a new housewithout first drawing up a detailed blueprint, and then f...

Business And Finance  business finance problems money donapost
Face reality Forced Career Change will happen during your working life.

Most of us enter the world of work as employed and soon start to wish that we could change career or be our own boss.It is probably true that after a while a large percentage start dreaming they could work from home or start a home based business, fe...

Business And Finance  business finance change skills start work