11,298 articles on "finance"

A Concrete Solution to USA Debt Problems

What is the answer to the growing USA debt problem? Get rid the infamous credit cards? How about a little bit of self-discipline? It's not in style anymore, but it is still the best policy towards getting out of debt. You must religiously pay o...

Business And Finance  business finance credit card debt cards month
You Can Get A Great Insurance Policy Online

These days, you can submit your application for low cost homeowners insurance online. You do not have to spend hours, if not days, talking on the phone with various homeowner insurance companies or low cost auto insurance agencies. Also, you won&apos...

Business And Finance  business finance insurance online companies websites these
Keeping Your Business Alive: Use 4 Color Postcard Printing!

Keeping Your Business Alive: Use 4 Color Postcard Printing! by: Marlon D. Ludovice There are a lot of ways to keep your business in the market world. By providing good service and better advertisements to express your operations to the public ar...

Business And Finance  business finance marketing company color effective
Fun with Credit Cards

Fun with Credit Cards by: Terry Mitchell For those of us who know how to use them properly, credit cards can actually be quite fun and lucrative. To those who do not know how to use them properly, I would say that you should stop reading this co...

Business And Finance  business finance credit card cards make
Counteroffers: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Counteroffers: Should I Stay or Should I Go? by: Jeff Altman, CPC, MSW If “resignation” is the word that strikes fear into all employers, then “counteroffer” is the one that strikes fear into an employee’s heart. “What should I do? T...

Business And Finance  business finance firm
Internal Prisons: The Thief of Productivity and Quality in our Workforce

Internal Prisons: The Thief of Productivity and Quality in our Workforce by: Troy D. Evans As a professional speaker, one of my biggest challenges is to grab the attention of my audience within the first few minutes of the presentation- grab the...

Business And Finance  business finance face
Ordering printing can be intimidating

Ordering printing can be intimidating by: Robert Kennedy Educating yourself before ordering your office printing can save you serious dollars. "I went to see a printer today to get my company's stationery printed. They ask too many question...

Business And Finance  business finance print printer
Three Proven Steps to Improve Your Home Business Advertising Response in Just 10 Days.

Three Proven Steps to Improve Your Home Business Advertising Response in Just 10 Days. by: Bob Markovsky Newspaper advertising is a tremendous source of new business that for so many businesses doesn’t ever reach its true potential. These 3 st...

Business And Finance  business finance advertising people offer
Let The Market Choose Your Price?

Let The Market Choose Your Price? by: Stuart ReidSetting the correct price is hard for any on-line business, and there are plenty courses and manuals dedicated to this delicate subject.You want to have a price that will make you a profit, obviou...

Business And Finance  business finance price itaposs will
Credit Card Companies Are Out for Your Money

Credit Card Companies Are Out for Your Money by: Christine BreenYou're probably thinking "Tell me something I don't know" but in this time of low interest rates you might be thinking that you've got a great deal since credit card ...

Business And Finance  business finance credit card interest insurance rates rate