11,298 articles on "finance"

Dealing with Your Pending PC Disaster A Guide for Small Business

It isn't a matter of if it will happen to you but when. PC users may be divided into two groups those who have had a disaster and those who will have to deal with a PC disaster. For you, more to the point is how you will react to it! Will it b...

Business And Finance  business finance computer files system data will
Do the People in Your Organisation Dress For Success

What really amazes me, with all the personal and professional development seminars people attend, from executives in corporate world, business owners and employees alike, very little investment has been made into the way they look... personal image. ...

Business And Finance  business finance people image would
Public Relations Why it Works

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 570 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2003...

Business And Finance  business finance audience target relations
Goals That Help & Goals That Hinder

Short-term goals, long-term goals, decisions and choices. What to do?Have your goals, and yes, write them down. The short-term goals should get you to your long-term goal, but keep your eye on the long-term goal, as if you were jumping hurdles. The l...

Business And Finance  business finance term goals youaposre goal will
How Do You Stay Focused, Part II The Role of the Leader

Last time we talked about staying focused - getting those distractions out of the way that keep us from accomplishing what we want to. We agreed that life is full of distractions-pleasures and obligations-that can pull us off task. We studied the pai...

Business And Finance  business finance leader team itaposs
Never Mix Business & Friendship

I have heard it said on the net that you should not becomefriends with people whom you do business with.I say, "Why not?" Building personal relationships is thefoundation of your business success.Because business should be business and there is no ro...

Business And Finance  business finance people friends from
What Does the Public Relations Client REALLY Want, and Why

It’s not unusual for clients of service providers to insist that their budget dollars be quickly applied to a variety of flashy tactics. Yet, when pressed, many acknowledge that what they REALLY want for their money is visible, end-game change.This...

Business And Finance  business finance public relations they
Quick Tips for Keeping Clients

Creating a Pool:When a small company (or any company for thatmatter, short of a general merchandiser) startsout, it is especially important to set extra-tight limits on your target group. Stay focusedonly on your strongest target. Right on thatbulls-...

Business And Finance  business finance company clients client very
Ready to Do Business Online

There is a common misperception these days that if you haven't got yoursmall to medium sized business online yet you're too late. As long youlearn from the first wave of Net entrepreneurs you can actually be betteroff then those bleeding ed...

Business And Finance  business finance sites hosting
Do You Act Like a Professional

What does it take to be considered a Professional?Webster's dictionary defines a professional as engagingin an occupation for money. Does this mean that by justengaging in a profession you are a professional? Ofcourse not. To be considered a pro...

Business And Finance  business finance clients