11,298 articles on "finance"

Communicating Value

Communicating Value by: Terence R. Traut Abstract: People buy for their reasons, not yours. This article covers the key elements that prospects want to hear you talk about. Always, but especially during lean times, effective sales professionals...

Business And Finance  business finance value customer customers
Internet The companies’ way to digital four color printing

Maybe you’ll agree with me if I say that the introduction of internet to our society had grasped a greater impact in our everyday living. It almost changed the whole system in the long run. From communication up to business the services of internet...

Business And Finance  business finance printing internet online company companies
10 Blazing Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits

1. Use a "P.S." at the end of your ad copy. This is were you either want to repeat a strong benefit or use a strong close like a free bonus. 2. Publish a free ebook and give it away from your web site or in your e-zine. This will increase your traffi...

Business And Finance  business finance products visitors give
Avoiding Work at Home Scams

There are no get rich quick realities in the work at home world. You're haveto do research on any business that you want to start. Always research anybusiness your interested in, you never know it could just be a scam.Ok so, how do you know if a...

Business And Finance  business finance start money
Selling Your Business Note

Why wait for payments on your note?In many parts of the country, business owners who sell their business must take back financing from the buyer in order for the sale to be consummated. The reason- banks and other conventional lenders are hesitant t...

Business And Finance  business finance buyer would
What Your Employees Want You to Know But You Might Be Afraid to Ask

What Your Employees Want You to Know (But You Might be Too Afraid to Ask)This is a challenge for every company owner and manager. You have tremendous plans for growth and expect a lot of your employees. But do you know if the company is meeting your ...

Business And Finance  business finance company employees work about
12 Reasons to Follow-Up with Your Clients, Customers and Colleagues

And twelve reasons why not to take it personally if they don't return your call or email, miss an appointment, or fail to acknowledge your communication. In the past month I have failed to respond to people for the following reasons. In all case...

Business And Finance  business finance donapost phone email them
Are You Profiting From O.P.P.

Are you profiting from O.P.P.? If not, why not?We know many of you have the desire and dream of running your own home-based business. But, like so many people, you're not sure where or how to start.You're not sure what type of business you ...

Business And Finance  business finance time real
Workplace Fitness A Gym Full Of Useful Advice For Continual Learning

"Where do you get all your energy?" That's a question many of us are asked as we finish leading an intense management retreat, conducting a training session, or keynoting a major conference. My answer, after I jokingly say, "Drugs!" is "Exercise...

Business And Finance  business finance exercise water itaposs body

Please feel free to use this article in anyway you choose.All I ask is that you leave it intact and notify me each timeyou use it. Thank you.WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!By Dr Kem ThompsonI should just leave this tip at that, shouldn't I?:)But seriously,...

Business And Finance  business finance write writing article