98 articles on "fitness"

Five Tips to Keep Fit as a Busy Working Mom

Whoever you are or however manic your working week is, maintaining your physical fitness as a working mum is essential to your overall wellbeing. Exercise is quite simply essential to our overall wellbeing, and you need to take time to plan your sch...

Parenting  parenting time working fitness
Health & Fitness Is Not A 12 Week Program

Not long ago, one of the members of my health club poked her head in my office for some advice and assistance. Linda was a 46 year old mother of two, and she had been a member for over a year. She had been working out sporadically, with (not surprisi...

Health  health year fitness time
When Your Sports and Exercise is Your Passion.

You’re fired up, your adrenaline is pumping, engines are revved. You can't wait to get out there and perform. You've waited all day, maybe a few days and are replaying in your mind the challenges you will confront and how you will tackle ...

Health  health sports fitness solution
6 Keys To Getting Maximum Results In Minimum Time With Your Home Exercise Equipment (and save money!)

6 Keys To Getting Maximum Results In Minimum Time With Your Home Exercise Equipment (and save money!) by: Tom Storms I used to love going to the gym. The sounds, the smells, the grunts, the groans. Nothing seemed more inspiring. Then life got in...

Health  health equipment fitness time
FAT LOSS: The Truth on Fat Loss and how to Achieve it!

LOSS: The Truth on Fat Loss and how to Achieve it! by: Mandy Gibbons Fat Loss in General This morning I conducted a search engine "search" on the word fat loss. "Fat Loss" and "Fat Loss Supplements", being the most popular keywords, came up wit...

Health  health loss program fitness
Muscle and Fitness The First Key To Achieving Your Goals

Lets discuss what I term as 'Muscle and Fitness The First Key'In a previous article, I went through the 'Three Keys To Success' in any muscle and fitness regime that you use. Remember 'BE - DO - HAVE'?If you missed thi...

Health  health goals write fitness
The 7 Things To Look For When Joining A Gym

The 7 Things To Look For When Joining A Gym by: Ray Kelly You’ve finally committed to getting fit and you want to join a gym, but which one? Unless you’ve been a regular at gyms in the past you really don’t know a good one from a bad one. ...

Health  health fitness
Some Great Ideas on Staying Fit

Some Great Ideas on Staying Fit by: Helen Murtha Physical exercise is something that you need to do on a regular basis. If you’re looking for examples of great fitness exercises to try out, you’ll find them on our site. A regular exercise pr...

Health  health exercise improve fitness healthy exercises great