883 articles on "government"

The Math of the Aftermath

Comedian Chevy Chase, when he anchored the first Saturday Night Live faux-news desk, had a running joke that satirized, post-mortem, the endless medical updates provided by the public relations machine of a dying dictator... "Here's a bulletin ...

Government  government khan public
Paying Tribute To Those Who Died For Our Freedom: Taking Chance

I have seen a lot of movies in my time, but I've never seen one like this one. This movie takes a look inside something that most of us never think anything about: what happens when a US military service member is killed in battle. I'm sur...

Government  government movie service strobl
Dear Activist

Response to an email from a well known activist Leader.... I got your plan. I read it. It isn't going to work. I can say this with all surety because I've been watching it - not work - for a long time. I understand peoples emotional attac...

Government  government people itaposs read
Freelance Writers How to Partner with Your Competition

Freelance writing is an unstable occupation sometimes. We already have to struggle with dividing our time between marketing our skills, writing queries, and seeking out new clientele. Sometimes there's not enough time; sometimes there's not...

Writing  writing youaposll government
To Serve - or Not

Shall I serve? If I serve, who shall I serve? The young person, regardless of educational achievement, is seldom taught to ask and answer these most basic questions before others are supplying the answers. The Bible says the choice boils down to serv...

Government  government money people serve
The Bigger Picture

I want you to see the bigger picture, question everything you've been told and develop a coherent philosophy. Why? Because these are the ingredients to becoming wealthy, powerful and free. A few quotes to start off: Ben Bernanke, Federal Res...

Government  government media want

"The possibility of a purely psychological explanation is illusory, for a large number of observations point to a natural phenomenon, or even a physical one - for instance, those explicable by reflections from 'temperature inversions' in th...

Government  government about
Half Empty Becomes Half Full

Hello again. How are you holding up? I welcome all your comments and feedback and trust my words each week are helpful in such a tumultuous time. To be honest, it can get very lonely in my seat. Not only do I speak through cyberspace with no indica...

Government  government people credit money rally
Preparation and execution of my income tax return

Preparation and execution of my income tax return by: Rev. James L. Snyder April 15th is the time of the year when Americans can communicate with their government. I cannot testify for anyone else, but I look forward to this marvelous opportunit...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation year government
President Obama's Long Lost Ancestor From The 17th Century

There has been controversy surrounding the ancestry of Barack Obama. A top research team has looked into this matter and traced Obama's family tree back to the 1600s, where Obama's ancestor Barack Shakespeare Obama was a great leader and co...

Government  government people here