883 articles on "government"

Wasting and Wanting: Our Politicians and Our Needy

In this time of Thanksgiving and the year end holidays, I was quite annoyed by a recent Associated Press article. According to the article, the IRS has determined that it is losing out on about $380 million a year in income taxes when separated or di...

Government  government abuse they
The Fiscal Insanity That Is Our Election Process

As the midterm election process finally and gratefully draws to a close, it seems like it would be a good time to review the insanity that has entrenched itself in our electoral process when it comes to campaign spending. Consider a recent Washington...

Government  government election money article would
America's Way Out of the Storm

Disheartening unemployment, unprecedented debt (personal, corporate and public) draining foreign wars, an aging population, a polarized politic - hardly America at its prime. Some contend we have reached our zenith and are on the waning side of the p...

Government  government storm america people once
Wal-Mart Helping the Little Man

Although it caused quite a stir when the idea was first spoken of, the plan for Wal-Mart to offer generic prescriptions for $4 each has faded from the limelight. A perfect time to approach the topic again. Mainly, how does this sort of price slashing...

Government  government mart profit will
Why Is President Obama Bankrupting America?

To President Obama bankrupting America fits into his plan to grow the size of government and thus make more people dependent on the state. Obama's first Chief of Staff was Rahm Emanuel (he resigned 10/1/2010). In addition to having an abrasive p...

Government  government obama world america
The Bitch and the Emperor's New Clothes!

Well Darlings, In the age of the Emperor's new clothes the child has finally spoken up. From out of the thronging masses of people, all eager not to look stupid in front of their neighbours, the words we needed to hear have at last rung out: "B...

Government  government truth people
Who Yields To Their Influence?

Without having to venture into the back of every restaurant in this city, you know their faces. Without having to open your eyes as you walk down any given street, their culture is heard and felt resonating into the consciousness of each New Yorker. ...

Government  government social latinos
Assimilation or Multi-culturalism: That is the Question

Maybe we need a combination of the two. What does it mean to be American? Does it mean everyone talks the same and looks the same and believes the same things? Does it mean forgetting everything that our parents and grandparents had to go through to...

Government  government country
Garbage - by The Bitch! (not literally!)

Well Darlings, There has been a hell of a lot of rubbish talked about our refuse collections lately. Under the pretext of it increasing the recycling of waste - a theory now being dismissed as having no substance - 140 authorities have already moved...

Government  government evidence health clear
Speaking at Local Government Meetings

Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. Alexander Graham Bell. I have read opinion polls that find most people fear public speaking more than they fear death. This fear obviously plays into the fact that few people appear to speak b...

Government  government letter speech speak