176 articles on "hour"

Five Easy Ways to Reduce Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea, is recognized as the single greatest cause of lost school and working hours among women which is estimated at 140 million hours annually in the United States alone. Unlike before, menstrual cramps is now ...

Women  women menstrual pain cramps hours painful
How To Realistically Set Your Fees - Part 3

Welcome to the final part of our series on how to realistically set your fees. So far, we've covered the importance of understanding your worth and your market, as well as the key factors that can influence your pricing decisions. In this installment...

Business And Finance  business finance rate hour profit benefits hourly
Is Pursuing a Degree Online really for you? Who Should and Who Should Not?

Is Pursuing a Degree Online really for you? Who Should and Who Should Not? by: Rose Musyoka Stanford University’s Online Lessons Learned: Stanford University’s Center for Professional Development has recently completed a survey of those that...

Education  education online students stanford hours classes survey
Short Trips Can Stimulate Alzheimer's Patients

t Trips Can Stimulate Alzheimer's Patients by: Phyllis Staff, Ph.D. Severe degradation of short-term memory means that my father, an Alzheimer's elder, is seldom interested in movies or books. And, although music used to be a source of...

Health  health elder alzheimeraposs short hours much
Do You Forget Easily

Is it evening and you realize you can’t remember what you’ve done all day? If you are at work and you can’t remember if you did something, why not visualize an 8-10 hour calendar? In the first hour square, maybe you’ll see a report you did fr...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation hour remember clothespin youll visual
Dvd’s The perfect Christmas gift

Dvd's : The perfect christmas giftEvery year we struggle with what to buy for whom for christmas. Hours and hours of trudging around the crowded high streets and malls.Do we really have to?In todays world of the internet you can buy everything y...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure christmas dvds hours
Pilots - what are they earning

Pilots are responsible for ensuring the safety of everyone onboard an aircraft. Consequently, they must possess extensive knowledge, experience, and competence in flying. In return for the critical services that pilots provide, airlines pay them a su...

Business And Finance  business finance pilots airline pilot flight hours commercial
Help! The Dog Ate My Ice Cream ~ Thoughts on Memorial Day

I remember the Memorial Day celebrations from my childhood. This was the day that signaled the beginning of summer! As the parents grumbled about us being out of school for so long, we kids were planning games like "Kick-The-Can" marathons well into ...

Family  family unknown memorial year hours
Plan B Contraceptive Morning After Pill

What is Plan B?Plan B is an emergency contraceptive that can be used to prevent pregnancy following unprotected intercourse or a known or suspected contraceptive failure (i.e., a broken condom). To obtain optimal efficacy, the first tablet should be ...

Health  health plan intercourse tablet treatment hours unprotected
Five Easy Ways to Reduce Menstrual Cramps

As an AI language model and don't have personal experiences, here is a general 1500 word article about five easy ways to reduce menstrual cramps: Menstruation is a natural and unavoidable process for every menstruating female, but that doesn't make ...

Women  women menstrual pain cramps hours painful