7 articles on "pilots"

Instrument Proficiency Checks Under The Revised Instrument Practical Test Standards

In April, 2004, the FAA updated and revised the Practical Test Standards (“PTS”) for the Instrument Rating. The new standards went into effect October 1, 2004. Of particular interest to instrument flight instructors (“CFII’s”) and pilots ho...

Legal  legal pilot tasks instrument cfii pilots revised
Instrument Proficiency Checks Under The Revised Instrument Practical Test Standards

Instrument flying is an important aspect of aviation that requires pilots to navigate through the clouds and low visibility conditions by making use of instruments and avionics. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recently revised the Instr...

Legal  legal pilot tasks instrument cfii pilots revised
Do You Want To Be A Pilot In The United States?

Do You Want To Be A Pilot In The United States? by: Julia Dean, President AirlineJOB.net I receive many emails requesting information about becoming an airline pilot in the United States. This article addresses many of the general questions I re...

Business And Finance  business finance pilots airline flight pilot hours commercial
Do You Want To Be A Pilot In The United States?

For many people, being a pilot is a dream job. The thrill of flying through the air, being responsible for a large aircraft, and seeing the world from a bird’s eye view are all reasons why becoming a pilot is so appealing. However, becoming a pilot...

Business And Finance  business finance pilots airline flight pilot hours commercial
Pilots - what are they earning

PILOTS - WHAT ARE THEY EARNING TODAY?Contributed by Julia Dean, www.AirlineJOB.netDO YOU WANT TO BE A PILOT IN THE UNITED STATES?I receive many emails requesting information about becoming an airline pilot in the United States. This article addresses...

Business And Finance  business finance pilots airline pilot flight hours commercial
Pilots - what are they earning

Pilots are responsible for ensuring the safety of everyone onboard an aircraft. Consequently, they must possess extensive knowledge, experience, and competence in flying. In return for the critical services that pilots provide, airlines pay them a su...

Business And Finance  business finance pilots airline pilot flight hours commercial
Pulse Oximeter Technology Use By Pilots To Prevent Hypoxia

Hypoxia is a very serious health condition that requires careful monitoring and diagnosis. What actually occurs during hypoxia is that specific parts of the human body do not get enough oxygen and as a result serious complications can occur because o...

Health  health oxygen hypoxia pilots levels individuals