69 articles on "injuries"

California Construction Accident Attorney Straight Talk: California Construction Accident Law

Construction jobs are some of the most dangerous jobs in California and the U.S. There is a very high rate of serious injury and fatalities in the construction industry. Usually, serious injury and deaths on construction sites are caused by negligenc...

Legal  legal construction workers california injuries compensation deaths serious injury
Injuries from Minor Vehicle Collisions

Injuries from Minor Vehicle Collisions by: Maricon Williams Approximately 12.8 million motor vehicle accidents in the United States were reported on December 2003. This amounts to about one crash per second - quite an alarming data. To boot, we ...

Legal  legal vehicle damage injuries quantitative physical injury bumper
Understanding The Causes And Types Of Sports Injuries Suffered By Children

I love how much sports and physical hobbies can do for a growing person still in their youth. Not only does the regular activity do wonders for creating physical health in a child, but it also helps to build a myriad of life skills they can carry on ...

Family  family injuries physical life acute
Why Snowboard Safety Bindings?

Why Snowboard Safety Bindings? by: Urs P. Meyer Snowboard safety release bindings are on the market since 1990. The first and leading snowboard safety binding is the patented MEYER BINDING of Switzerland, which is also the World's first bin...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports release bindings injuries snowboard foot binding
Product Liability Lawyer Straight Talk: Crib Injury and Crib Recalls

In the last five years, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has announced 18 recalls involving more than 9 million drop-side cribs. However, the CPSC's recalls have not been successful in removing millions of dangerous cribs from the m...

Legal  legal crib cribs drop infant injuries side
Motorcycle Accident Claim - Your Compensation!

Motorcycle Accident Claim - Your Compensation! by: Mohammad Latif Motorcycles and motorbikes belong to a group of vehicles that often take part in a small number of road accidents. The statistics speak for itself, as motorcycle riders are just 1...

Legal  legal accident claim motorcycle injuries serious road risk
A Spine Injury Can Put Your Life In Jeopardy

Spinal injuries can be one of the most dangerous injuries to sustain, and can take the longest to heal. The spine is the message system of the body, gathering the information taken in by nerves on our skin's surface or through our eyes, and rela...

Health  health spinal spine injuries column damage back
Injuries Sustained from Accidents on Boats

Have you had a particularly sunny day spending time in a boat or yacht that turned awry due to unexpected accident on board and at sea? Well, misfortunes do happen at the most unexpected times. And sometimes, it leaves serious physical injuries. Acci...

Legal  legal accident accidents boating case boats injuries
Filing a Law Suit for Personal Injury Victims

Filing a Law Suit for Personal Injury Victims by: Carla Ballatan Did you suffer physical injuries and incurred hospital bills and other costs, that are the result of the negligence or fault of another person? Under the personal injury or tort la...

Legal  legal injury personal lawsuit liability damages injuries lawsuits
Filing a Law Suit for Personal Injury Victims

Did you suffer physical injuries and incurred hospital bills and other costs, that are the result of the negligence or fault of another person? Under the personal injury or tort law, you can file a lawsuit and charge the person for compensation. Inde...

Legal  legal injury personal lawsuit liability negligence lawsuits injuries