69 articles on "injuries"

The Motor Vehicle Accident “Whiplash-Type” Injury As Of 2004

The “Bottom Line” regarding “Whiplash Crash Facts” (accumulated during 2004 - - and including all the previous years) are as follows: THERE ARE EIGHT SERIOUS AND ABSOLUTE FACTS IMPACTING AND REGARDING THAT WHICH IS TODAY IDENTIFIED AS A “WH...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks injury whiplash accident vehicle motor injuries
Contact A Personal Injury Attorney Right After Your Accident

No one wants to think about what would happen to them after a car accident. We are all aware of the dangers of the road, but until something goes wrong, we choose to believe that the worst can never happen to us. The reality is that however capable w...

Legal  legal accident injuries crash they
Sports Nutrition Tips For Women Athletes With Amenorrhea And ACL Injuries

Mauro Di Pasquale, in his book Utilization of Proteins in Energy Metabolism, recommended 2.2g/kg of protein intake for those in competitive or recreational sports who wanted to "maximize lean body mass" without gaining weight. Apart from proteins, wa...

Health  health sports nutrition injuries amenorrhea knee
Horrific Injuries Demand Top Legal Representation

A distracted driver has just caused an accident that has resulted in the loss of your arm and your old way of life is gone forever. Receiving the best possible legal representation will have lifelong consequences, so it is vital that you choose a per...

Legal  legal accident loss attorney distracted injuries
How to Negotiate A Settlement With An Insurance Claims Adjuster

to Negotiate A Settlement With An Insurance Claims Adjuster by: Dan Baldyga You and I. M. Strong, the adjuster from Granite Mountain Insurance, are sitting at your kitchen table in an attempt to settle your motor vehicle accident claim. Strong i...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks injuries
Injuries from Minor Vehicle Collisions

Approximately 12.8 million motor vehicle accidents in the United States were reported on December 2003. This amounts to about one crash per second - quite an alarming data. To boot, we should dispel myths, misconceptions and erroneous judgment about ...

Legal  legal vehicle damage injury bumper injuries physical
Pedestrian Given Over $1.0 Million By Jury When Evidence Showed Defendant Lied About How Accident Took Place

One would expect that an individual who brings about an accident in which another person is severely injured would take responsibility for their actions and do everything in their power to help the victim recover for his or her injuries. It is not un...

Legal  legal accident vehicle injuries which
~Car Accident Insurance Claim~ Regarding Impacts And Injuries

As of January 2003 it was determined that in the good ole‘ US of A, there were approximately 12.3 million motor vehicle accidents involving over 21 million vehicles last year. This amounts to a little over one crash per second. Let’s take a look ...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks vehicle injuries impact motor accident speed
Bicyclist With Catastropic Injuries From Motor Vehicle Accident Compensated $3,500,000 With Help Of Medical Expert

Lawyers who help catastrophically injured victims of car accidents realize that in some of these cases it is critical to use specific experts in order to establish the responsibility of the defendant. This is not necessarily true for every case. Obvi...

Legal  legal case expert injuries issue