544 articles on "insurance"


A recent court decision created a substantial loophole for insurance companies, which can hurt contractors. Although the court decision suggests that it does nothing more than interpret an insurance policy, it doesnt make a great deal of sense from a...

Legal  legal insurance duty company defend indemnify covered
Best Buys in Your Yearly Worldwide Travel Coverage

Best Buys in Your Yearly Worldwide Travel Coverage by: Steve Cogger For best buys in annual travel insurance worldwide you need first only travel as far as your Internet connection. Annual travel insurance for worldwide travel is the best buy, a...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure insurance worldwide coverage annual buys trip
California Defense Base Act Attorney Straight Talk: Dealing With the DBA Insurance Adjuster

If you are injured while working for a company that has a contract with an agency of the United States Government for work outside of the United States, whether of a military nature or not, your claim probably falls under the Defense Base Act. The De...

Legal  legal adjuster insurance base defense benefits
Is A UK Prenuptial Agreement an Unfortunate Necessity?

You wouldn't view taking out home insurance as an invitation for burglars to come and rob your home. So why see making a pre-nuptial agreement, a form of marriage insurance, as a premonition for divorce? So why is it that couples shy away from ...

Legal  legal prenuptial assets marriage insurance agreements divorce agreement
Disaster Decision - Do You Need Insurance?

Disaster Decision - Do You Need Insurance? by: Jakob Jelling The expenses involved with owning a home can be overwhelming at times - routine maintenance, repairs, seasonal preparations, improvements. Not to mention taxes, fees, and all those mon...

Business And Finance  business finance insurance homeowners flood earthquakes disaster
Michigan Car Accidents, Car Repairs, & Damage Claims - FAQ's

The insurance laws in Michigan regarding motor vehicle accidents are very confusing and change on a daily basis. The No-Fault law was created in 1973 and there have been over 2,000 written court opinions regarding these laws. 1. In Michigan, who has...

Legal  legal coverage collision repairs insurance accident will
Checklist for Hiring a Private Investigator

Looking for an old friend? Want to know if your spouse is cheating? Need to check out a potential tenant or employee? A good private investigator (PI) can help you obtain these answers. And as with any expert you hire—a doctor, a lawyer, an insuran...

Legal  legal investigator private check insurance
Michigan No-Fault Auto Insurance Policies - Coordinated & Uncoordinated Medical Coverage

If you have been injured in a Michigan car accident, truck accident, or motorcycle accident you may be available for either coordinated medical coverage or uncoordinated (primary) medical coverage depending on what type of no-fault auto policy you se...

Legal  legal medical health coverage insurer insurance fault will
Car Insurance No Claims Bonus Explained

Car Insurance No Claims Bonus Explained by: Andrew Bowen No Claims Bonus is a term used to describe the number of years you have had Car Insurance without making a claim. Put simply, if you have had Car Insurance for 4 years and you have not mad...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks claims bonus insurance years claim making
Disaster decision - Do you need insurance

The expenses involved with owning a home can be overwhelming at times - routine maintenance, repairs, seasonal preparations, improvements. Not to mention taxes, fees, and all those monthly bills. Some homeowners, in trying to reduce their expenses, w...

Business And Finance  business finance insurance homeowners flood earthquakes some