544 articles on "insurance"

Where's The Plastic In Plastic Surgery

Where's The "Plastic" In Plastic Surgery?- by Mike Jones(c) Mike Jones - All Rights reserved http://www.bodyfaq.com Don't be looking for the Dupont Company sales rep the nexttime you visit a Plastic Surgeon's office because, despitepop...

Health  health plastic surgery cosmetic performed insurance
Apartment Renter\'s Insurance

Apartment Renter’s InsuranceBy: Kyle Thomas HaleyPrior to signing an apartment rental agreement, everyone solicits some obvious information – cost per month, length of lease, amount of deposit. Just as important, but often overlooked, is a little...

Family  family insurance renters possessions apartment only
Japanese Overseas Travel Insurance

Japanese Overseas Travel Insurance by: Steve Cogger If you are an expatriate planning on long-term residence in Japan you can, after a one-year stay, become a part of Japan's national health program. Until that time, however, you're go...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure coverage insurance overseas japanese medical
What's The Difference Between Insurance And Estate Appraisals?

Antiques Roadshow fans may be accustomed to hearing two prices quoted during the televised appraisals, one "for insurance purposes", and another "at auction". When considering the value of your engagement rings, diamonds, and other fine jewelry, it i...

Business And Finance  business finance appraisal value insurance jewelry estate appraisals
New Web Site Assists Car Crash Victims

“I Didn’t Realize I Had So Few Friends”Minneapolis, MN, August, 2002 – When Daniel Prins’ wife was injured in a car crash he thought all he had to do was notify his insurance company to get matters resolved. After all, another driver who wa...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation victims crash prins insurance accident america
Finding auto insurance comprehensive coverage

Auto insurance comprehensive coverageYou can go online to easily find and quote auto insurance comprehensive coverage.The definition could include basically (2) trains of thought. Often the term comprehensive merely applies to thorough physical damag...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks comprehensive coverage insurance online vehicle
The Truth about Colossus Are You Just A Magnetic Image

The Truth about Colossus: Are You Just A Magnetic Image?What is Colossus?Colossus is software licensed to about twenty-five insurance companies to aid in predicting the settlement value of claims. The insurance industry maintains it is a useful tool ...

Business And Finance  business finance insurance colossus companies value claim
~AUTO ACCIDENT INSURANCE CAIM~ Getting Reimbursed For Your \"Pain and Suffering\"

You’ve had a motor vehicle accident some time ago when a local character by the name of Fred Fuddle smashed into your rear end but now youre in the home stretch with his Adjuster, I. M. Strong, and you’re going to be paid for your loss by Strong...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks pain insurance claim suffering
Build Your Own Insurance Business with InsureAmerica

Build Your Own Insurance Business with InsureAmerica by: Casey Coke Dallas-based InsureAmerica Management Company has released a new Internet site, www.byoib.com, to aid in recruitment of nationwide health insurance agents. Complete with commiss...

Business And Finance  business finance agents insurance health insureamerica potential website
Tips To Avoid Car Insurance Premium Increases & Becoming Assigned Risk

Tips To Avoid Car Insurance Premium Increases & Becoming Assigned Risk by: Philip Franckel Below are some tips to reduce your auto insurance bill, prevent substantial premium increases and avoid becoming assigned risk. Claim Reports: You know ab...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks coverage claims insurance windshield glass