14 articles on "recession"

Call Center Industry In The Philippines: During And After Global Recession

The call center industry is considered as one of the most successful and fast-growing industries in the Philippines. Though it started very small, which only involves email responses and managing services, the industry have significantly grown to inc...

Online Business  online business center industry philippines recession companies
Riding Out the Recession

The economy has seen better times. After 3 tremendousyears of growth in our business in 1998, 1999 and 2000,our revenues flattened over the second quarter of 2001and went south after 9/11. While the central Floridaarea has arguably been hit harder th...

Business And Finance  business finance economy recession capital experienced
Accepting Recession As a Part of Life - In Every Downturn, the Upside Will Follow

A recession as part of our lives could perhaps be compared to how a wheel operates - it has its "ups" and as it turns around, its "downs" will follow. This current recession hitting us means that we are now in the "down" portion of that wheel, and so...

Business And Finance  business finance recession wheel some
Call Center Industry In The Philippines After The Recession

The call center industry in the Philippines have grown significantly over the past few years. According to many experts, the reason why this industry have grown so much compared to what it was in the past is because of a the many Outsource Call Cente...

Online Business  online business industry center philippines recession many
Why Selling On EBay Is Good In A Recession

The recent recession in the United Kingdom, and across the world, has cost many people their jobs, or simply scuppered their chances for a pay rise or promotion. If you find yourself in the same situation and are looking for an income that is recessi...

Online Business  online business ebay selling recession start
How To Defeat Giant Competitors With A Logo And Effective Marketing

Due to recession global economy is witnessing a boom in the small businesses and home based businesses. Many of these businesses are generating revenue by selling small items or services and a great many of them are doing all their business online. H...

Web Development  development businesses small established recession
Don’t blame the economic downturn

Don’t blame the economic downturnAre we really facing an economic downturn? Is it just hype that we’reheading into a recession? Or is this the reality we need to face?Whether or not you believe that we're facing recession, you can choose how...

Business And Finance  business finance recession take
Guidelines for surviving and even thriving in the online recession

As a Baby Boomer in good standing, I've seen recessions before lots of 'em. The first recession I remember was 1958 and theeffect it produced on the Republican Party. (I sure hope GeorgeW took American History at Yale, but I doubt he rememb...

Business And Finance  business finance recession people economic
Recession-Proof Customers Are Over the Hill - Ha!

With all the doom and gloom recession talk going aroundwouldn't it be nice if your customers were recession-proof?My goodness that sure sounds wonderful.Could such customers really exist?If they do exist, how would you find them?Could there be e...

Marketing  marketing customers recession
How to Profit in a Recession

How To Profit in a Recessionby Kevin Nunleyhttp://DrNunley.comPeople all over North America are telling me business is slow."I can't say there isn't any business," Bob confides. "It's justthat it's darned difficult to get sales. I...

Business And Finance  business finance recession market just