18 articles on "refinancing"

Is Home Mortgage Refinancing Really Worth It?

Is Home Mortgage Refinancing Really Worth It? by: Steve Shannon Is it really worth it? Excellent question... since the refinancing process can take upwards of 2-3 months to complete, plus the expenses and hassles of refinancing may outweigh the ...

Business And Finance  business finance refinancing loan equity consider
Home Equity Loan – Beware of equity stripping scam

The market for mortgage refinancing has been brisk during the last few years. The boom in business can be attributed to interest rates that have been at or near historic lows, and to lenders who have more money to lend now that they aren’t investin...

Business And Finance  business finance lenders refinancing equity homeowner
Cash Out Refinance – Home Equity Mortgage Loan or Cash Out Refinance

Cash Out Refinance – Home Equity Mortgage Loan or Cash Out Refinance by: Carrie Reeder There are some definite benefits to doing a cash out refinance. Just make sure that overall you are not going to be spending more money in fees and interest...

Business And Finance  business finance refinance cash equity loan fees refinancing
The Truth About Refinancing Student Loans

The Truth About Refinancing Student Loans by: Tripp Taylor There are many students and graduates out there that are struggling with paying for their student loans. Often times, these people have heard of refinancing student loans in order to mak...

Education  education student loans refinancing loan good
Refinance Student Loans - How and Why?

Refinance Student Loans - How and Why? by: Vanessa McHooley Let’s face facts. Going to college these days, especially private universities, is no cheap task and can put you well into debt before you even enter the “real world” for yourself...

Writing  writing college loans refinancing student rates
Is Now A Good Time To Refinance Your Home Loan

Bargain mortgage rate shoppers are on a refinancing spree. Many have secured unbelievably great deals. Others have gotten caught up in the frenzy and got the short end of the stick. How can you refinance your home without getting burned?Last week mor...

Business And Finance  business finance loan rate mortgage refinancing rates consumers
Home Loan Customers Given a Better Deal with H&R Block Mortgage Refinancing

Home Loan Customers Given a Better Deal with H&R Block Mortgage RefinancingWith interest rates currently at historically low levels, there’s never been a better time for home loan refinancing. Home loan customers are in a strong position to renegot...

Business And Finance  business finance customers loan refinancing plan
Home Mortgage Refinancing A second chance for homeowners with high interest loans

Home Mortgage refinancing is a great option for homeowners who have a mortgage that is a couple years old, have built up some equity, but find themselves struggling with a high interest debt. The entire home mortgage refinancing process is basically...

Business And Finance  business finance loan mortgage refinancing rate from
Need Additional Business Funds Stop Right There!

Looking for additional capital to fund your next marketing campaign or to expand your business. Hold It! Stop right there. Small business owners seeking additional marketing funds may only need to look no further than there own back yards. And in thi...

Business And Finance  business finance refinancing rate mortgage loan
Refinancing Your Home - IS the Time Right

Refinancing your home is a major decision not to be takenlightly, even in this era of low interest rates and easymoney. While every mortgage company in town is touting thestrategy of getting a new loan before rates rise again,there are several things...

Business And Finance  business finance refinancing loan when