5 articles on "sgml"

Standardized And Non - Standardized Style Sheet Languages

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is considered as one of the most popular of style sheet languages used in web development. It was considered as the perfect jump from the use of tables to tableless web design. However, other than CSS, there are also o...

Web Development  development style language sheet languages stylesheet document sgml
Style Languages Of The Past

In the past, the market for styling languages have significantly grown when the use of table designs in websites was proved to be insufficient in providing the kind of accessibility that websites should be. This is also the time in which a huge numbe...

Web Development  development dsssl style fosi language introduced sgml
CSS As Tableless Web Design

CSS is one of the most widely used style sheet language since the end of the table website design regime. According to several experts, such as those from Web design Philippines companies, the use of CSS was the most successful transition from table ...

Web Development  development design style dsssl language sgml
Style Sheet Languages Before CSS

CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is one of the most widely used form of style sheet languages used in the market. According to many professionals, CSS was the perfect move from the use of tables in web designs to tableless designs. However, before CSS w...

Web Development  development style language dsssl fosi sheet sgml sheets
Beginning XML - Part 1 An Introduction

Coming straight to the point, XML stands for EXtensible MarkupLanguage. As the name suggests, it is a language that can bemolded according to the need of the hour. Personally, I don'tthink calling it a language is justified, but I fanaticallyfol...

Web Development  development data sgml language markup document