813 articles on "some"

Samsung LE22A457 Review: 22 Inch HD Ready Digital LCD Television

While the early versions of the television set were made using cathode ray tubes, today's television sets are slimmer, lighter, and occupy lesser space. Among the most popular television variants today include LCD's, or liquid crystal displ...

Gadgets And Gizmos  gadgets gizmos sets television quality samsung sound some
Winter Trout Fly Fishing

Winter Trout Fly Fishing by: Cameron Larsen It is winter time now. One step on the frozen porch steps first thing in the morning removes any doubt of that fact. Winter time brings on many thoughts, holidays, dark afternoons, football on TV and f...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports fishing winter fish trout some
Choice and Change

Choice and Change by: Clyde Dennis OK, so here we are. We've switched the calendars out and made our resolutions. Now it's time to set about the process of making those changes we've resolved to make. You haven't forgotten al...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation things choices itaposs some
Big Cat Vs. Bigger Snake

I just saw something on TV that really blew me away....That’s unusual coming from me, as I don’t even watch very much TV these days, so the odds that I would be watching something that would totally floor me are just about zero. Despite that, Iâ€...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure anaconda tiger fight something
What is NLP

As a certified NLP trainer, I am often asked ;What is NLP?'The term NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and was coined in the early seventies by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. They began their work by studying: Fritz Perls, psychothe...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation patterns aware some
A More Powerful Mind Through Writing

A More Powerful Mind Through Writing by: Steve Gillman Have you ever noticed what happens to an idea once you express it? Just talking about it or writing it down causes you to clarify it in your own mind. How can you use this to increase your b...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation write understand youaposll brain something
5 Costly Mistakes That People Make In Starting A Home Based Business

5 Costly Mistakes That People Make In Starting A Home Based Business by: Mal Keenan Starting a home based business in an exhilarating period in one’s life. There are a lot of concepts that stirs in your mind and you will find yourself in a per...

Online Business  online business based starting some
Getting a Killer News Hook

Getting a Killer News Hook by: Bryan Thompson Getting a news hook. When you are going to write a press release probably the most important thing you can do is create a killer news hook. A press release without a news hook is just blatant adverti...

Online Business  online business news hook something
Whistle While You Work: Music To Clean House To

Most of us do it, or at least have heard of the practice. But most of us are ashamed to admit it. We've all sung along to a favourite CD or tape while cleaning the house, but only when we're alone! But why not listen to music while you&apo...

Family  family cleaning music youaposre something
Leash Training a Puppy in Rural Areas

Not all dogs live in urban or suburban areas so leash training a puppy is important. There are many rural areas where you can let your puppy off a leash when you walk but some people live in the city. Some of you are probably joggers and enjoy long t...

Pets And Animals  pets animals puppy leash areas some