813 articles on "some"

Less Is Better

Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like biting the heads off nails? My dad got up every morning with a big smile and some encouraging words. This was every day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year.One morning I asked him how he could p...

Marketing  marketing morning think some
Leadership Skill Training

Quality leadership is a positive asset that is needed in every organization. Observe any successful club, committee or team and you will find a capable leader in each of these organizations. What makes a successful leader? Why do some leaders inspire...

Business And Finance  business finance organization leaders leadership leader school some
Use An MRD To Control Your Outsourcing

Use An MRD To Control Your Outsourcing by: Steve Mezak Is your software development process as unpredictable as the weather? Is your software casting a shadow causing six more weeks of programming? Are you using a marketing requirements document...

Business And Finance  business finance software requirements process development some
Learning To Improve Your Memory Information

Have you experienced the embarrassment of forgetting a family member's birthday or an important assignment? Are you in school and are finding it toilsome to study successfully for exams and tests? It's not just you! Thousands and thousands ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation remember memory improve something
Does Green Roofing Help the Environment?

In some places like the Faroe Islands, or in Canada, Norway, Switzerland, and other states within the US, like Illinois and New York, an old-fashioned style of roofing is slowly gaining popularity again. This is due to its perceived environmental ben...

Environment  environment roofing roof environmental heat some
Buy The Latest Contract Phone With Free Gifts On Christmas

The contract mobile phone are feeling the heat from other mobile phone deals. Which are receiving more eye balls and customers for being economical, affordable and hassle free but it looks contract phones are all set to take the battle up on Christm...

Gadgets And Gizmos  gadgets gizmos mobile phone contract deals phones some
Ten Decisions Leaders Make Every Day

In the course of your day as a leader you are faced with many decisions. Some come in emails, some in inquiries, and some in meetings. Some you have time to consider, for some you will rely on input from others, and others you must make immediately. ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation decisions people leader some
Luxury Bedding - Bedding For Luxury Sleep

Among the pleasures of having your own space is the enjoyment of supplying luxury bedding for your sleeping arrangements. Luxury bedding indicates different things to different individuals, but in the very least it indicates having some thing special...

Home Improvement  home improvement bedding luxury sheets silk count thread some
Where Are God's Miracles?

I like the story of Gideon from the Old Testament book of Judges. In chapter 6 we read that Gideon lived at a time when the Midianites were oppressing the Children of Israel and taking everything they had. It was a desperate time when people were str...

Religion  religion gideon lord some
Different New-Year's Resolution - Pass-It-Forward

Different New-Year's Resolution - Pass-It-Forward by: Nisandeh Neta Every 12 months, as the New-Year rolls around, we all brag about our New-Year's Resolutions. With inflated chests and with all the authority we can muster, we announce...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people year difference takes something