38 articles on "studies"


Perception is sensation with added complexity due to factors such as memories and emotions. Yoga practice influences perception in three ways: (1) by increasing perceptual sensitivity, (2) by selectively `shutting out’ undesirable stimuli, and (3) ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation yoga perception practice visual studies factors

Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical postures with mindfulness and breath control techniques. Over the years, yoga has gained popularity as a way to promote physical health, mental well-being, and emotional resilience. Beyond the physic...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation yoga perception practice visual studies factors
Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - ZMA

ZMA is a scientifically designed anabolic mineral formula containing zinc monomethionine aspartate, magnesium aspartate and vitamin B-6. Studies have shown that it has a clinical effect on testosterone levels when taken in a combination containing 30...

Health  health levels zinc testosterone magnesium studies thus
Acupuncture Treatment for Acne

Acupuncture Treatment for Acne by: Melvin Ng There are many different types of acne treatments available, and one that tends to go unnoticed is acupuncture treatment. Results can be varying when undergoing acupuncture treatment though. Many stud...

Health  health acupuncture treatment results acne studies
Depression Series (Part 2): My Antidepressant Doesn’t Work. What Can My Psychiatrist Do?

Depression Series (Part 2): My Antidepressant Doesn’t Work. What Can My Psychiatrist Do?  by: Michael G. Rayel, MD Maria has been increasingly depressed for the past few years. She has tried at least four newer antidepressants but so far, she ...

Health  health psychiatrist antidepressant drug marias studies another
Fluoridation and its Dangers

Fluoridation and its Dangers by: Alfred Jones A number of Local Goverment Councils in Australia have been unable to supply free fluoride supplements to the public due to an Australia wide shortage, so residents should be heartened by the knowled...

Health  health water lead fluoride studies masters
Parental Hostility What Will This Bring To Your Children's Life

One of the most important factors influencing kids' adjustments to their parents' separation or divorce is the level of parental hostility. How bad or how well children go through the divorce depends on how the situation is handled.To give ...

Family  family hostility children parental conflict studies
Alzheimer Disease and Antioxidants

Alzheimer Disease and Antioxidants by: Aaron Cummings At the present time, one out of ten adults have some form of Alzheimer disease. According to Dr. Greengard, Director of the Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research at the Rockefeller Univ...

Health  health alzheimeraposs disease antioxidants studies vitamin wine antioxidant
the truth about omega 3

Since Dr Basant Puri, a consultant psychiatrist and senior lecturer at London's Imperial College MRI unit, released his findings on Omega 3 and its effect on brain function and depression, many studies have been performed regarding the beneficia...

Health  health omega fatty depression fish studies
Alternative medicine in food- Shallots

Shallots belong to the lily family (Liliacae) where onion, garlic and leeks are present. It is classified as Allium cepa var. aggregatum.Shallots are smaller and sweeter than onion and like garlic its bulb divides into multiple sections.It digests b...

Health  health shallots cancer anti disease studies onion