3 articles on "warehousing"

Data Warehouse Database and OLTP Database

In this tutorial we will learn about the differences between Data Warehouse database and OLTP database and the objectives of a Data warehouse and Data flow. The data warehouse and the OLTP data base are both relational databases. However, the objecti...

Computers And Internet  computers internet data warehouse database oltp time rules warehousing
Introduction to Data Warehousing

This tutorial starts with the introduction to Data Warehousing, Defination of OLAP, difference between Data warehouse and the OLTP Database, Objectives of data warehousing and data flow. Computerization of business processes; technological advances i...

Computers And Internet  computers internet data warehouse analysis olap online analytical warehousing business
Introduction to Data Warehousing

Introduction to Data Warehousing Data warehousing is an essential concept for organizations who are willing to take a deep dive into their own data and leverage it in making better decisions. It is a critical infrastructure for businesses to transfo...

Computers And Internet  computers internet data warehouse analysis olap online analytical warehousing business