78 articles on "workout"

Play Ball To Get Fit

Play Ball To Get Fit by: Lynn BodeChances are if you’ve stepped foot in a gym or watched a television fitness program in the past year then you’ve seen the “big balls”. You’ve probably wondered what all the fuss is about. Well, they ma...

Health  health ball fitness exercise workout
Why Protein is Crucial For Fat Loss - Part 2

Protein is Crucial For Fat Loss - Part 2 by: Nick Nilsson Protein Is Crucial For Fat Loss! - Part 2 How to Maximize The Results You Get From Your Protein Powder. Timing Is Everything! Whether it be for fat loss or muscle gain, I always recomme...

Health  health protein workout muscle
6 Healthy Eating Tips for Active Adults

For active adults it’s important to make sure you are getting the proper nutrition for your pre-meal and post-meal workouts. Here are 6 healthy eating tips to keep you on track!Adequate Carbs!With the latest low carb trend it can become difficult, ...

Health  health drink carbohydrate protein exercise muscle workout
How to Avoid Becoming a Fitness Failure

You have permission to publish this article electronically, without changes of any kind, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included, and remain working hyperlinks. Please send a copy of the URL where you have posted this article.How to Avoid...

Health  health workout goals program these
Top Wedding Fitness Questions (and their answers)

Top Wedding Fitness Questions (and their answers) by: Lynn Bode As a Personal Trainer for brides-to-be, I often get asked the same wedding fitness questions over and over again. Brides (and grooms) usually are looking for simple and easy ways to...

Health  health wedding workout lose program
Elliptical Workouts

Elliptical Workouts by: Gary Gresham Elliptical workouts basically involve aerobic or cardiovascular exercise. Elliptical cross trainers can be intimidating at first glance but once you get familiar with them you will find them easy to use and a...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports elliptical workout exercise time machine will
Chocolate Splendor, Food For The Gods. Bodybuilding Nutrition.

Chocolate Splendor, Food For The Gods. Bodybuilding Nutrition. by: Kevin Doberstein A fictional overheard conversation at a Thelma’s Fine Dining. Hi, I’m your waitress, Flo. How are you two doing tonight? Just come from the gym? Whew, one of...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports protein workout whey grams
Working Smart: 4-Easy Ways to Get Fit, Faster!

Working Smart: 4-Easy Ways to Get Fit, Faster! by: Laura Turner Let’s face it, getting and staying in shape can be a costly investment. And, if you’re not careful, its greatest cost is the one commodity you could use the most of: time (keepi...

Health  health workout exercise help
Easy and Effective Home Workouts

and Effective Home Workouts by: Lynn Bode Many people think that creating a home workout gym is either too intimidating or too costly. So, often they instead invest their money in a health club membership not realizing that for the same amount o...

Health  health equipment fitness workout even
Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy at Home

by Lesley Spencer, MSc; Founder & President HBWM.com Inc. Many Americans these days are finding themselves out of shape and overweight. Why is that? The bottom line is we are taking in more calories than we are burning. It takes a conscious effort to...

Health  health exercise workout motivate