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Business And Finance business finance resumes resume search websitesPrepaid cell phone plans: Great option or Last Resort? by: Syd Johnson There was a time when prepaid plans were marketed mostly to people with poor or bad credit. Now, prepaid plans are being marketed as a great alternative to unlimited plans. H...
Business And Finance business finance cell prepaid phone plans minutes planTo Factor or Not to Factor? by: Marty MilanThe purchasing of accounts receivable (invoices) is generally known as factoring. Businesses can sell their invoices to companies known as factors. Although not all businesses are familiar with factorin...
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Business And Finance business finance software project developer everyVirtual Assistance; A Money Saving Opportunity For Employers. by: Heather Bresser What is a Virtual Assistant? A Virtual Assistant is a highly skilled, independent entrepreneur who provides business services in a remote or virtual environment. ...
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Business And Finance business finance position interview letter writing interest requirementsIncrease Your Buying Power With Capital Gains Reinvestment by: Elaine VonCannon When it comes to selling property capital gains reinvestment can be an important strategy for homeowners and commercial and business owners. The Internal Revenue Ser...
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