11,381 articles related to "business and finance"

How to Profit from your Home Business Blog

If you have a home business blog, there are several ways to profit from it. Here are some effective strategies that can help you make money with your blog: 1. Affiliate marketing: Join affiliate programs related to your niche and recommend products ...

Business And Finance  business finance blog content website
How to Cut Duty Cost and Increase Profit as an Importer

How to Cut Duty Cost and Increase Profit as an Importer by: Philip Brigstock-Bates Import duties continue to be significant elements in the cost of international trade. Yet many companies and businesses still pay more duties than the law require...

Business And Finance  business finance customs goods value duties duty sale approach earlier
Why Would Anyone Want Your Business Card?

Why Would Anyone Want Your Business Card? by: Diana RatliffDo you remember how proud you were the first time you saw your name in print? Most entrepreneurs feel that same flush of pride when they gaze on their new business cards. That small piec...

Business And Finance  business finance card cards people keep
How to Cut Duty Cost and Increase Profit as an Importer

Being an importer can be a lucrative business, but it's important to keep costs as low as possible in order to maximize profits. One of the biggest expenses that importers face is the duty cost associated with bringing goods into a country. Duty is a...

Business And Finance  business finance customs goods value duties duty sale approach earlier
Business Planning for College Students and First-Time Entrepreneurs

Business Planning for College Students and First-Time Entrepreneurs by: Dave Lavinsky More and more students, both in undergraduate and graduate institutions, are deciding to launch their own ventures upon graduation rather than taking the tradi...

Business And Finance  business finance capital team management ventures entrepreneurs
Why Would Anyone Want Your Business Card?

We may live in a digital age, but business cards remain an essential tool in networking and marketing oneself. Despite the ease of exchanging contact information through mobile devices, business cards hold a certain advantage that digital mediums can...

Business And Finance  business finance card cards people keep
Online Forums Help Businesses Generate Additional Streams of Revenue

Online Forums Help Businesses Generate Additional Streams of Revenue by: Neil Armand Small businesses and inventors often find it difficult to reach the global market because the traditional transfer of intellectual property is complicated, cost...

Business And Finance  business finance forums businesses global intellectual inventions property
Bright Development for Downtown Atlanta - Real Estate Industry

When utility powerhouse Southern Co. announced in late January that it had completed a deal to keep its headquarters in downtown Atlanta, Mayor Shirley Franklin and business boosters hailed the decision. Headline writers at The Atlanta Journal-Const...

Business And Finance  business finance peachtree downtown southern atlanta midtown building says
Business Planning for College Students and First-Time Entrepreneurs

Business planning is an essential element in the success of any business. It sets out the direction of your business, its objectives and targets, its marketing strategies, financial plans, and operational processes. Planning is the process of develop...

Business And Finance  business finance capital team management ventures entrepreneurs
Online Forums Help Businesses Generate Additional Streams of Revenue

Online forums have been effective in helping businesses generate additional streams of revenue. These platforms allow businesses to interact with their customers and establish a community of individuals who have shared interests and opinions. These f...

Business And Finance  business finance forums businesses global intellectual inventions property