11,381 articles related to "business and finance"

How to make a resume to scanner - 8 tips!

When applying to a job, your resume is often the first point of contact with a potential employer. However, in today's digital age, it's likely that your resume will be scanned and reviewed by an applicant tracking system (ATS) before it even reaches...

Business And Finance  business finance resume scanner company paper
Get DVD Players, Playstation 2, Big Screen TV's and More For Pennies On The Dollar

Everyone loves to save money, and getting electronics at a fraction of the cost can be thrilling. Whether you're shopping for a DVD player, PlayStation 2, big screen TV or anything else in between, there are plenty of ways to snag a great deal. Here ...

Business And Finance  business finance item consumer goods purchased items just
Mortgage Financing for Self Employed Borrowers

Mortgage financing for self-employed borrowers can be a daunting task. It is common knowledge that the lending industry is still feeling the effects of the economic collapse almost a decade ago, and as a result, the rules for obtaining a mortgage hav...

Business And Finance  business finance income borrowers employed mortgage stated
IBM Lotus Domino Designer Release 6 and 6.5: New Features – overview for programmer

IBM Lotus Domino Designer Release 6 and 6.5: New Features – overview for programmer by: Eugene Polyakov Domino Designer is an IDE, which provides to developers the features for creation, management and deployment of Lotus Domino applications. ...

Business And Finance  business finance domino lotus classes java lotusscript designer view objects
Credit Enhancements: Seven Tips For Enhancing Business Credit Transactions

Credit Enhancements: Seven Tips For Enhancing Business Credit Transactions by: George A. Parker What are the avenues available to businesses with weak credit profiles or to companies pursuing credit transactions that are perceived as too risky b...

Business And Finance  business finance credit enhancements enhancement transaction transactions provider providers
Sell YOU With Your Small Talk. (Yes You Can.)

Sell YOU With Your Small Talk. (Yes You Can.) by: W. Paul Barton Want to build a relationship sell yourself for a job get ahead make a sale? Your 'small talk' is crucial. Everyday conversation can make or break you in personal rel...

Business And Finance  business finance small conversation person well
Six-figure Professionals: Their Seven Secrets

Six-figure Professionals: Their Seven Secrets by: Catherine Franz In my work with hundreds of coaches, consultants, and small business owners, I have found that there are specific actions that have created their success. Here are seven success e...

Business And Finance  business finance figure professionals donapost know
Leveraging Open Source Technology

Leveraging Open Source Technology by: Cartika IT Solutions Open Source applications can bring unique value to business owners. Since the base application development costs of open source applications is free, small and medium business owners are...

Business And Finance  business finance source applications open linux infrastructure
Five "How to be a Better Speaker" Articles

Five "How to be a Better Speaker" Articles by: Sandra Schrift One: How to Create Sizzling Speech and Book Titles Description: Create titles that focus on what most people want all the time. Example "How to Win Friends and Influence People." Lear...

Business And Finance  business finance article speech autoresponder time practice from
Lokmangal Biofertilizers

After the introduction of chemical fertilizers in the last century, farmers were happy of getting increased yield in agriculture in the beginning. But slowly chemical fertilizers started displaying their ill-effects such as leaching out, and pollutin...

Business And Finance  business finance soil organic nitrogen friendly fertility plants