In a nutshell, online education requires self-discipline, organization, and the ability to use modern technology. Students must be able to learn through written words, not audible words. And they must feel comfortable sharing information over the Int...
College Articles college articles online computer education internet workAt this point in life I am a self-sufficient and independent person ready to take the next step in life. As I am finishing high school I clearly see my future goals that I can potentially derive from college education. The high school experience help...
College Articles college articles education experience thingsWhat is a “Gap Year?” Actually, it’s the new term for taking off a year after high school but before college. Sound fun? Not if you think it’s for slackers.A gap year is intended to help kids get a better grasp on the real world after high sc...
College Articles college articles year students school kidsGetting a college degree online seemingly appears to be a very convenient way to gain further education without having to inconvenience your home life. An easier way to obtain an edge in the working world is by getting that online college degree that...
College Articles college articles online time homeMost students know what it takes to be successful in college because some genius told them already. But here’s the news flash: The prescription probably won’t work. Why? Free advice is usually forgettable advice. And guess what I’m offering? Mo...
College Articles college articles learn people