4,892 articles related to "computers and internet"

Destruction for Good

Destruction! Blow Up! Eliminate! These are not pleasant words!Unfortunately, when it comes to safety we have no other choices. In the electrical industry, fuses are destroyed in order to protect lives or property.Whenever there is a big fault in the ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet fuses fuse circuit electrical these
Not Sure Whether to Get Sirius Radio

Sirius satellite radio is a service offering 100 streams of Sirius radio featuring digital-quality, music, news, sports and entertainment programming. They use three satellites orbiting directly over the United States to broadcast 100 streams of Siri...

Computers And Internet  computers internet radio sirius satellite streams from
Hacked Off With CSS

Many webmasters/designers are now using CSS for layout purposes on their sites to ensure web current web standards are met. But with current trends it can be hard to predict the exact look of a site across the complete range of browsers. Some are fla...

Computers And Internet  computers internet hacks browsers design
OCR Software Optical Character Recognition or Optical Crud Recognition?

OCR Software Optical Character Recognition or Optical Crud Recognition? by: James M. Eglin Optical Character Recognition (OCR) refers to a software technology and processes that involve the translation of printed text into computer searchable te...

Computers And Internet  computers internet image quality character document technologies
Download managers accelerators : Quick tips to increase your Internet Speed

Getting an Internet connection is one thing and getting a speedy Internet connection is another thing. Increasing the Internet speed is not a big task, as it can be increased through a number of easy steps. Read on to acquaint yourself from the vario...

Computers And Internet  computers internet speed programs increase using
Google Acquires SocialDeck - What Does This Mean For Google"s Future?

It seems that in recent times, Google has made some mistakes when coming up with new programs. Google Accelerator, Google Answers, and Google Wave are all examples of programs that flopped. And with the recent merger of Yahoo and Bing, Google might b...

Computers And Internet  computers internet google social facebook socialdeck network
The Growing Success of the Call Center Industry

One of the most successful industries in the Philippines today is the call center industry. Part of what made it successful in the country is because of call center companies in the Philippines which are dedicated to provide the best call center serv...

Computers And Internet  computers internet center industry companies philippines successful
Calling Plans To Make You Stop Worrying About Hefty Phone Bills

Asia is a very important destination hosting 60% of the world's current human population. It is the largest and most populous continent making people call its destinations. It is very much obvious that it is the land of people coming from variou...

Computers And Internet  computers internet calling service plans which
No ESCape: How One Miami Web Design Firm Positions for iPad and Web 3.0 Transitions

My new $50 Microsoft Arc keyboard has an ESCape key upper left, a DELete key upper right, and every keystroke on the composite keyboard layout between them clicks back an audible (if illusory) assurance of accomplishment. My new $500 Apple iPad, on t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet ipad escape delete layout
Identity Abuse

Identity Abuse by: Albert Scherbinsky Recently the threat of identity theft has been often reported in the media. Identity abuse, given less attention, deserves a closer look. An identity thief steals someone's identity and assumes that ide...

Computers And Internet  computers internet identity online mail address