4,892 articles related to "computers and internet"

The Meta Search Engines: A Web Searcher's Best Friends

Meta Search Engines: A Web Searcher's Best Friends by: Daniel Bazac I know what you're thinking: Google gives you such accurate results that you don't need any other search tool. Well, let's see about that. You might - or mi...

Computers And Internet  computers internet search results searches engines mses engine meta
Perfectly New Database Query Tool - Foxy SQL Pro released

Are you a database professional? Do you work with a lot of databases? Do you use an SQL code? Do you want to connect to a new database to physically create its structure in no time and with ease? Are you tired of having to handle several client appli...

Computers And Internet  computers internet database foxy databases client work different
State Bar Association of Georgia selects gomembers' extraweb online solution

[Herndon, VA] gomembers, Inc., (http://www.gomembers.com) is proud to announce that the State Bar Association of Georgia (SBAGA: http://www.gabar.org/) has added the extraweb module to their pinnacle software solution."extraweb will enable SBAGA to p...

Computers And Internet  computers internet member gomembers software solutions products enable please
Does Your Email Reputation System Have a Bad Rep

The recent spike in the volume of spam traveling across the Internet, combined with the dangers of phishing and virus attacks that frequently accompany these messages, has forced enterprises to reconsider how they determine which messages will be all...

Computers And Internet  computers internet email spam sender spammers senders reputation
Why Corporations Need to Worry About Phishing

Phishing is a relatively new form of online fraud that focuses on fooling the victim into providing sensitive financial or personal information to a bogus website that bears a significant resemblance to a tried and true online brand. Typically, the v...

Computers And Internet  computers internet phishing fraud employees customers
Internet Promotion Email Signatures

Perhaps one of the most important methods to promote your web site isincluding some advertising in each and every email you send and allnewsgroup postings that you make. DO NOT spam the newsgroups by sendinguseless messages. Instead, make useful post...

Computers And Internet  computers internet include email signature spam itaposs postings

TIME WASTER. Do you find yourself constantly checkingyour mail? Are you sick and tired of responding tothe same old requests? Or do you simply get to the endof the day and wonder where all your time has gone? Byworking a little smarter, you can gain ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet mail time emails stationery folders
Walmart is Watching ... Almost

The New York Times reported that the RFID rollout at Walmart has slowed down. Actually, the first deployment of RFID at Walmart is only at the pallet level, not at the product level, so all Walmart will track initially is how pallets of products move...

Computers And Internet  computers internet rfid volume walmart channels enabled
Blu Ray Discs The New DVDs

Blu Ray Discs The New DVDs by: Chuck Red Blu-ray Blu-ray disk is a disk which is compatible with current CD+DVD technology. It is the same format but offers greater data capacity, and it's development is currently supported by leading hardw...

Computers And Internet  computers internet disk capacity disks definition manufacture technology
Choose An Online Medical Scheduler That Keeps A Detailed History Of Every Action Taken

Whether your medical practice involves hundreds or thousands of patients, it is safe to assume that your medical front desk receptionist is constantly on her toes. With the many things she needs to attend to like your schedule, your patients' pe...

Computers And Internet  computers internet medical patient scheduling software receptionist