839 articles related to "education"

How To Format A Resume

A well formatted resume is just as important as the content in getting you to the next stage of the hiring process. The design will depend on whether you are creating a printed or electronic version, and must incorporate any client-requested presenta...

Education  education resume sure
Job Application Cover Letter Tips

Learning what a cover letter is all about is the first step to writing them perfectly. It is very important to be able understand what a cover letter is all about and then applying a few techniques to get it right. You are already enclosing a resume ...

Education  education letter cover resume tips
Benefits Of Speed Reading Course

Whether you are a professional or a student, reading is very important in whatever task you are performing and a speed reading course is essential to be able to read quickly without wasting time and for understanding what you read in the shortest pos...

Education  education reading speed read course
Elementary School Fundraiser: Talent Show

If you are finding fresh and fun ways to raise money for you school? Now you can add something to your list: a Talent Show! Elementary schools have been searching for more and more kids that have a talent in singing, playing musical instruments, act...

Education  education show talent time
Tips on the Process - Choosing a College: How to Compose a List of Schools

First, evaluate the 5 factors outlined in the article here. Most importantly look at your Geographical Interest and your Academic Major interest; we will use these two criteria to start our search. We will start by plugging the criteria into a search...

Education  education schools school list college
Obama's Scholarship Program Aimed at Mothers - Free Scholarships Just for Moms

You may have a deep desire to finish or begin your college degree; however, finances have prevented you from fulfilling that dream. If this sounds like you, then you are in luck. President Obama also has that desire. He would like to see all women ha...

Education  education women college degree
Boring Textbooks = Bored Kids + Bored Mom

Are your children growing bored with their textbooks? Are you growing tired of hearing them complain? Is it possible that your textbooks are the problem? If you've never thought about this, take a moment to think about it now. Think about how ea...

Education  education children unit studies think
E-Learning Management Training Asia

E-Learning Management Training Asia by: EMT Asian businesses are always looking for effective ways to train their managers. Their needs range from time management, sales management, distance management and trying to achieve that balance between ...

Education  education learning management employees
The Importance Of A College Education

The Importance Of A College Education by: Catherine Olivia It cannot be stressed enough to young people that a college education is the only way to obtain a good job and the type of job that will allow for a comfortable lifetime income and a sec...

Education  education college parents student year will
Professional Resume - How To Ensure You Write One

Are you trying to write a resume that will let you get the job that you have always wanted, but don't know how you can write a professional resume? It is not as hard as it may seem, but you do have to know some important things that are needed b...

Education  education resume professional