806 articles related to "government"

Mid-East Oil Reserves and the War on Terror.

The Middle East has been the epicenter of the world’s oil industry for many decades. The region is rich in oil resources, with some of the largest known oil reserves in the world. The countries in this region have become major players in the global...

Government  government world american iraq spread islamic
Venezuela: Oil, Gold and Foreign Affairs

Venezuela is a country rich in natural resources, particularly oil and gold. It is the world's fifth-largest oil producer and has the largest oil reserves in the world. The country's gold reserves are also significant, with estimated reserves of appr...

Government  government reserves production venezuela current venezuelan world barrels
U.S. Postal Service Carrier Pickup from Home or Business

Carrier pickup is absolutely FREE...Eliminate your wait in line at your local post office.Excellent service for Home businesses that deal in Internet auctions, legal services and etc.No limit on the number of packages that you need picked up. 1, 100...

Government  government carrier pickup packages sending postage package
Is Ed Miliband A Man Of Today?

Ed Miliband the Labour leader has stated that "David Cameron is squeezing the living standards of ordinary families, he wants to make it easier to sack workers and he is letting the banks off the hook." Dealing first, with the Banks this is total po...

Government  government labour brown miliband dealing gordon
Culture War?

The principle headline in the Outlook section of this Sunday's Washington Post read: "The New Culture War", the subheading continued: "On one side, the forces of free enterprise. On the other, an expanding and paternalistic government. It's...

Government  government brooks happiness social state system people
Solving the Immigration Problem: Dropping Both Entitlements and Xenophobia

The issue of immigration has long been a hotly debated topic in the United States. The subject often invokes very heated discussions and raises a lot of emotions from different people and groups. Immigration has long been a sensitive topic, particul...

Government  government immigration immigrants solution social welfare foreign here
The Main Stream Media And the Void It Leaves Behind

There has been a lot of discussion recently about media bias. Liberals point to the fact that the media has become consolidated among a relatively few big corporations and therefore, has a bias to the right. Conservatives point to the fact that most ...

Government  government media corporations democrats people stories republicans about
Wahabism the Evil roots of Muslim Terrorism

Wahhabism: The Evil Roots of Muslim Terrorism Wahhabism is a conservative and fundamentalist form of Sunni Islam that originated in the Arabian Peninsula in the 18th century. The movement was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who believed in pu...

Government  government religion democracy islamic weapon teachings
Lito Atienza Pushes To Improve The City's Program For Housing

Former Manila mayor Lito Atienza has vowed to continue his commitment in serving his beloved city and dearest Manilenos. The former mayor of Manila will be joining the Manila elections to continue what he has done for the city and its residents after...

Government  government atienza manila mayor city residents education
The Twists Of Micronations

Micronations are more often than not expressions of political protest, artistic expression, theoretical experimentation, personal entertainment, or the result of criminal activity. Some micronations issue passports, postage stamps, coins and medals a...

Government  government formed founded established located australia independent protest created