806 articles related to "government"

Illegal Immigrants

It is a U.S. Constitutional mandate that the U.S. Congress shall secure the borders of the United States. It appears this was never done and never will be. When the Federal Government failed to do its job and made things worse, it became the respons...

Government  government states them
Bosnia Where it has Been Where it is Now

Bosnians have been off the political radar screen for over 10 years. Few Muslims know much about the Bosnian people, where they came from and how they became an advanced civilization in Europe. Bosnia was a Muslim gem in the world of Christians but e...

Government  government bosnia bosnians control once
Mark Foley - Gay Congressman Resigns - The Real Deal

Florida Congressman Mark Foley has resigned from Congress amid charges and allegations that he had inappropriate e-mail contacts with a former teenage page in the House of Representatives. So what's the real deal? What's really going on? Yo...

Government  government societyaposs money
Political Marketing, Meet Marketing 2.0

Everyone markets their brand, including Presidential candidates. Whereas in the past, candidates have relied heavily upon volunteers to create a grassroots movement through door-to-door and telephone marketing, the 2008 election has added internet te...

Government  government door campaign donapost candidate election
Gender-based Violence

Violence against women violates, impairs and nullifies the enjoyment by women of their human rights and fundamental freedoms. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act t...

Government  government women violence rights human including international

This article discusses how governments seek public endorsement of their policies through Nationalism. In speeches and on Vietnam memorials it always states that the soldiers, who died, died for our freedom. This is really strange and illogical. We a...

Government  government flag vietnam freedom
Hello, hello, hello! The Bitch Explores the Policeman's Top - and Bottom!

Well darlings, From statistics released by the Home Office each year, a league table ranking the performance our 43 police forces is compiled by the Press Association. The Government's Police Performance Assessments rate the constabularies for ...

Government  government police force league local
Bag The Best Government Grant

Citizens of USA, especially budding entrepreneurs and women have now got a new found reason to rejoice. Anyone in a mind to set up a business for themselves, or planning for business expansion now do not have to burn the oil of midnight lamps worryin...

Government  government business grants small start existing financial
We Can Change the World

It is important to have some idea of what the nature of the world governance has been before we get into trying to change it. I will present only a small part of the situation in this book because I think I have presented enough of it in other books...

Government  government american foundation other
The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 14: Bush 'Preparing the Way' to Release $4.5 Trillion in Repatriated Offshore Funds to AmeriTrust

According to sources close to the recent G-8 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, pressure from financial big shots and foreign heads of state has 'put the heat' big time on the Bush administration this weekend to release $4.5 trillion dollars...

Government  government wanta bush money funds american