“I say chaps; our economy is not doing too well at all”. My bank balance is just too low and to be quite honest I would like to buy another million dollar house in the Bahamas because the other five that I have are just not enough for my lover an...
Government government aboutThe government is the biggest employer in the world. They hire and maintain more employees than any other organization in history. The question is whether the elected officials (who are really employees of every person in their jurisdiction, voted in...
Government government time themWell Darlings, I guess the Budget was only what was to be expected from Alistair Darling, a man so grey that on entering a room he turns John Major into living Technicolor. The question must be posed: how can someone who sucks the very lifeblood out...
Government government priceSo many people trying to make a buck on the Internet, some trying to do it legitimately, some trying to scam everyone, and others that are just plain stupid. Let start with the first category, the ones who want to make a buck legitimately. This is a...
Government government websiteGeorge Bernard Shaw and his mistress Florence Farr of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (the more ‘charmed’ circle) are of paramount interest to my research. When I see Shaw being supportive of the communist effort and yet perhaps not fully ...
Government government worldWell Darlings, I have my serious hat on today. Does the government, or come to that: does anybody, have the right to suggest how individuals should dress? I am, of course, asking because of all the furore that has broken out after it was learned tha...
Government government someWhen organising a country or a group of people in need of structuring, people tend to automatically sidestep ideologies that do not take authority imposed from above for granted. Anarchists and other proponents of alternative rule almost by definitio...
Government government anarchy mostI don't know how many of you are going to remember back in the seventies, there was a comedian named Flip Wilson, and he penned the famous line, "the devil made me do it". That was a line that you would here over and over throughout the whole co...
Government government people loughner donapost"It regards reality as the sole enemy and as the source of all suffering, with which it is impossible to live, so that one must break off all relations with it if one is to be in any way happy. The hermit turns his back on the world and will have no ...
Government government relationship theyLearn from my mistake if you don't want the FBI knocking on your door! I had read or heard that if you don't properly LOG OUT that someone who's computer savvy can enter your site and appear as you. Because I was in a hurry the other d...
Government government computer