Growing Daffodils by: Hans Dekker In mid-March when winter blues overtake you and it’s hard to find a clear patch in the grey overcast above, I look out my front door and find a spot of sunshine in my newly growing daffodils. Growing daffodil...
Home Improvement home improvement daffodils growing bulbs daffodil springReduce Your Heating Bills This Winter by: Mark D. Tyrol, P.E. Imagine leaving a window open all winter long the heat loss, cold drafts and wasted energy! If your home has a folding attic stair, fireplace or clothes dryer, that may be just what ...
Home Improvement home improvement attic fireplace dryer leaksFive Easy Ways to Give Your Kitchen Designer Wow! by: Pamela Cole Harris A beautiful kitchen is the heart of any home (even for those of us who spend most of our cooking time around the microwave!) Time spent together in the kitchen can bring a ...
Home Improvement home improvement cabinets kitchen special little doors fabricMetal Outdoor Furniture - Explained by: Debbie Rodgers Mention metal patio furniture and you probably think of the light, fly-away aluminium loungers of your youth or that half-ton cast iron table and chair set on your neighbour's lawn. Bu...
Home Improvement home improvement furniture metal steel aluminum piecesThis article is directed to those people who are considering building a liner pond and to those who already have one. For twenty-six years I have been designing and constructing waterfalls and ponds the professional way, using 3500 psi concrete rein...
Home Improvement home improvement liner concrete pond pondstiring' Old Mulching Routine Paves the Way to Ten Worry-Free Years by: ARA Content (ARA) - The yearly routine of digging up last year's mulch and replacing it with a fresh supply can be time consuming, messy and expensive. But one new ...
Home Improvement home improvement mulch rubberific tires consumersTrees can be broken down into three main parts: the roots, the leaves and the woody structure between them. The roots' function is to bring raw materials-water and mineral salt dissolved in water-to the tree. The leaves absorb carbon dioxide fr...
Home Improvement home improvement tree water roots leaves trees woodDo pests 'gopher' your lawn? Chances are, if you have a lawn, you risk the chance of having pests, such as the gopher and his cousin the mole. And, perhaps even those pesky six-legged creatures- ants and other insects- call your grass patch...
Home Improvement home improvement insects lawn pests someToilets can make a number of odd noises that may indicate an issue requiring drain cleaning or plumbing repair. One such sound is a gurgling noise. In addition there may be many other noises such as trickling noises, humming and whistling, and repeat...
Home Improvement home improvement vent drain stack bowl toilet cleaningDecorating Color Schemes by: Olivia Filipetto When decorating your home or room, picking a color scheme can be a daunting experience. You worry that you may pick the wrong color and need to start your decorating project all over again. Following...
Home Improvement home improvement colors color wheel secondary primary decorating room