2,196 articles related to "home improvement"

Linens and Things for your Bathroom

Linens and Things for your Bathroom by: Mike YeagerLinens and Things is a store that specializes in everything linen! Really, it is like a home store with so many options for everyday uses and even the extravagant uses of everyday things. Other ...

Home Improvement  home improvement items things store bath
Visions of Sugar Plums and Holiday Safety

Visions of Sugar Plums and Holiday Safety by: Wally Conway Ho, Ho, Ho, Holiday greetings to you! Every year at this time I can't help but notice the beautiful holiday lighting and adornment. It's great to see that even homes with a "Fo...

Home Improvement  home improvement space fire heaters extension
Spring Into Action: Home Maintenance

Spring Into Action: Home Maintenance by: Wally Conway Spring has sprung! Even more important than buds, birds, and bees, spring brings buyers! When buyers are looking for a place to nest, they would really rather not see problems. As it turns ou...

Home Improvement  home improvement work amateur buyers maintenance
Five Tips for Decorating a Girl’s Bedroom

Five Tips for Decorating a Girl’s Bedroom  by: Melissa A. Boyd Little girl's love to spend time in their bedrooms. It's a place all of their own. A place where they can not only sleep, but dream. What better way to help your child&ap...

Home Improvement  home improvement decorating change bedroom time will
Tips and Suggestions To Help You Plan and Build Your Own Log Home

Tips and Suggestions To Help You Plan and Build Your Own Log Home by: Jack Hudson Log Cabin Homes : They have come a long way. Here are some tips and suggestions to help you plan and build your own. Plus be sure to consider the floor plans and n...

Home Improvement  home improvement cabin homes floor logs plans build
How To Take Care Of Weeds

To Take Care Of Weeds by: News Canada (NC)-Their names may be cute and slightly amusing - chickweed, creeping charlie, dandelion, crabgrass - but weeds can be a major annoyance. Left untreated, they spread quickly, fighting the grass for food, l...

Home Improvement  home improvement weeds lawn weed sure control
Top 5 Secrets to Keeping Your Carnivorous Plants Alive, Healthy and Beautiful

SECRET #1: Know thy plant. This may seem like a no-brainer, but one that first-time growers overlook. There are many types of carnivorous plants occurring on every continent in the world, except Antarctica. If you were to go on a world-wide expediti...

Home Improvement  home improvement plants carnivorous plant water
What is second mortgage

What is a second mortgage?A second mortgage is a loan that is secured by the home itself, and subordinate to the first mortgage. Any mortgage taken out against a home in addition to an already established mortgage automatically becomes a second mort...

Home Improvement  home improvement second mortgage interest rate credit
How to Kickstart a Good Bedroom Design Project?

How to Kickstart a Good Bedroom Design Project? by: Shrinivas Vaidya Dear friends, Any room in your home is primarily a space within walls, floor and a ceiling. When the structure or the apartment gets constructed, the architect and the structu...

Home Improvement  home improvement design space bedroom style
Landscape Design

Landscape Design by: David Dunlap Landscaping is a wonderful pastime enjoyed by many. It provides a natural beauty and needs no ornaments or other attractive items to help achieve its magnificence. What it does need, however, is a little TLC fro...

Home Improvement  home improvement design landscape inside looks