804 articles related to "kids and teens"

Making Homemade Gizmos For Fun - Inexpensive And Rewarding Projects

Making Homemade Gizmos For Fun - Inexpensive And Rewarding Projects by: Alan Detwiler Making simple, homemade devices is fun for any young person who likes to tinker and build. The build-it-yourself enthusiast will get a great sense of accomplis...

Kids And Teens  kids teens items projects devices books simple most
ABC's of Becoming an Effective Teen

A: Acquire a Strong and Positive Attitude B: Break Out of Your Shell C: Characterize Your Hero D: Demand Respect For Your Standards, Yourself and Your Beliefs E: Energize Yourself Everyday With a Goal of Making a Difference F: Failure to Plan, i...

Kids And Teens  kids teens keepself acquire momentum seek strengths weaknessesj
Easy Costumes Kids Can Make

Halloween is an exciting time of the year, especially for young children. They love to dress up, go trick-or-treating, and indulge in the spooky atmosphere. However, trying to come up with a costume for your child can be a daunting task, especially i...

Kids And Teens  kids teens tape head petals pipe flower
Fun Kids' Party Balloon Games

Fun Kids' Party Balloon Games by: Anne-Marie Killer Here are some kid party balloon game ideas your kid and his/her guests will love! Have lots of prizes for the winners. These games are best played outdoors! "Easy Teams" The kids have to ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens balloon team line balloons
A Blowing Bubble Activity that will Blow the Kids Away!

A Blowing Bubble Activity that will Blow the Kids Away! by: Anne-Marie Killer I bet you haven't given this blowing bubble activity any thought as a child party activity? I'm not talking about little kids blowing little bubbles from th...

Kids And Teens  kids teens bubble water bubbles syrup karo part solution
Vision turned into Action

Vision turned into Action by: Jeff Hagen Dear Reader, I would like to personally introduce you to TeenQuack.com, the premiere online journal and community for teens! An old Chinese proverb reads, “A poor man is not he without a cent, it is he ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens vision wanted
How to Teach Kids To Swim

Fishing Instruction regarding Young children info Mastering to be able to frolic near the water can be a existence skill that will should go pushed aside by means of so many people. Or even approved around while a thing money for hard times and also...

Kids And Teens  kids teens swimming pool floating also
Fun with Foamies

If you haven't been to the craft store in a while, or even taken a quick visit through the craft section of your super center, then you may not have noticed the explosion of foam and the fun you can have with it. With the colors of the rainbow, ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens foamies craft projects sticky
You Don't Have To Be A Rocket Scientist To Pass An IQ Quiz

You Don't Have To Be A Rocket Scientist To Pass An IQ Quiz by: Brian Fong Q. Can you really tell anything about someone's intelligence by having them take an IQ quiz? A. The answer to this question requires a bit of background informat...

Kids And Teens  kids teens intelligence quiz children level times
Stop Lying NOW

Stop Lying NOW by: Kim Olver Do you have a consistent problem with your child lying to you, even though he or she is normally a “good” child? Sometimes the lies are even about things that don’t really matter or your child continues to lie ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens truth child lying